Tim 003The PopCulteer
March 14, 2014

As observant readers of this blog may know, your PopCulteer is on the road at the moment, as a gueat of JoeLanta and The Great Atlanta Toy Convention. I am trying to bring you some updates from the road, using a Frankensteined laptop and our lovely hotel’s WiFi connection.

Thursday was spent on an incredible tour that took us to three cool places.Today I will attempt to bring you three short photo essays of our journey, led by the steady hand of Fred, the Jedimaster bus driver. We also shot some video, but you’ll have to wait until next week for it.

The second stop on Thursday’s magical mystery tour was at the house of Tim Merritt, who has a pretty amazing collection of Mint In Box GI Joe items. He doesn’t keep his stuff in a “Joe Room.” He keeps it in a “Joe House,” behind his very nice regular house. Many thanks to Tim and Tammy Merritt for being such gracious hosts.

It was like the coolest Black Hole of Calcutta ever, as a couple dozen avid GI Joe collectors crammed in to see Tim's collection

It was like the coolest Black Hole of Calcutta ever, as a couple dozen avid GI Joe collectors crammed in to see Tim’s collection

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Two rows of jewelr’s cases plus a shelf hold more than 130 Mint In Box vintage GI Joe action figures

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Perfect boxed examples of some of the coolest toys ever made

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…and even more of them

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A cabinet full of mostly loose figures

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The Pursuit Craft is rare has hen’s teeth

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Close up of the rows of Joes

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Everywhere you turn was packed with cool, boxed items

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furth detail on the boxes

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That astronaut figure is worth more than your car

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Even more coll stuff catches our eye as we leave