Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Behind The Scenes At Radio Free Charleston

The second episode of Radio Free Charleston is now online, over at the GAZZ TV page. Check it out and enjoy! Here are some behind the scenes tidbits about the show to enhance your viewing pleasure:

The shirt I’m wearing is an ECW shirt, featuring Rob Van Dam. I got this at the ECW show in Huntington on July 2. Later that night after leaving the show, Van Dam, at the time both the WWE and ECW Heavyweight champion, was pulled over at a speed trap in Hanging Rock, Ohio and was busted for possession of a certain illicit smokable herb popular with jazz musicians, or so I’ve heard. Wearing the shirt wasn’t necessarily a show of support. I just liked the way it looked.

Stephen Beckner’s song, “Falling Star” was the Song Of The Week last week here at PopCult. Stephen has only made a limited number of his “Apples” CD. If you’re interested in getting one, drop him an email. Meanwhile, check out his Myspace page and his cool photography blog. We gotta work on getting Stephen to play out more. As a member of Go Van Gogh, he was a titan of the old radio incarnation of RFC.

The Sleeping Dons, quite popular among the commentators on this blog, do not yet have a web presence. If you want to contact them, drop me a line at and I’ll get the message to them. Check out their Song of the Week here. On RFC they perform a brand-new tune about Native Americans playing baseball, “Story Of the Coyote People.”

Look for more music from Stephen Beckner, The Sleeping Dons, and Whistlepunk (from our pilot) on future editions of RFC.

Of course, there’s more than music to Radio Free Charleston (named after my long-departed revolutionary radio show, but with video this time, in case you came in late). We also have animation from my brother Frank and my RFC compatriot, Brian Young. The big treat this episode is the debut of the leaked trailer for the next Batman movie. We’re really excited about that.

So episode two of RADIO FREE CHARLESTON is ready for viewing. We’re hard at work on the third episode, which may be ready remarkably fast. Honest. Let us know what you think of the show.


  1. Anonymous

    In your place where you mention Breckner at you have a web link to pictures of nakeds. I do not think you should link to pictures of nakeds because many children with modems are around these days. I saw your thing about Batman in your video and I think you stole it and you will be in trouble if what you say is true, unless the big company decides to “let you go”. Also I did not see any blimps so I think maybe you cut something out of your own show on accident. I saw a little flexible hot wheels car instead, which i did not understand. The bands are very good expecially the song about coyotes, but I have never heard of these bands on TV so are they very old or from another country like europe or england?

    Other wise, I think it is good you have a variety show on the computer in Charleston, like the old ones my grandparents talk about, except you do not have the June Taylor Dancers so it is not a real variety show.


  2. Anonymous

    I must admit, as I sat here watching RADIO FREE CHARLESTON SHOW #2 in my vintage pink Eldridge Cleaver “Revolutionary Pants”, that I got quite a chuckle from the sly allegory gently misted over your OREO animation. My first impression was that RFC catered to a typical white American male audience, but I am heartened to see that is not averse to using the proper “code words” to reach out to an adventurous trisexual black male demographic. All power to the fifth sex! I should have known you were up to something with your first show featuring a Samuel Beckett-like existential scenario as performed by the “No Pants Players”. “No pants” indeed! I squirm in anticipation of what clever joys RFC will bring to the small but growing local “pink totem” crowd.

    Call me:
    Goddess William

  3. the alley rat

    THANK YOU!!!


    When’s the next show?

  4. Luna C

    Awesome show. Had to get offline just as the end credits started–who kept singing “Radio Free Charleston” during the show? Whoever she is, she’s good.

  5. Longtime Listener

    Now I’m happy and feel old at the same time. I remember both Go Van Gogh and Strawfish. That can’t have been more than fifteen years ago. And where the hell did that Batman thing come from? Keep up the good work!

  6. Anonymous

    You look better without the glasses.
    Cool music. Can we buy their CDs at Taylors?
    That Batman trailer is cruel. Let’s have some more.

  7. paralegal 47

    The Batman bit and your reaction made me spit coffee all over my monitor. Now my co-workers think I had a fit or something. You shoulda put a “not work safe” warning on that. Funny, funny crap you got going on there.

  8. M Daddykin

    Hot Wheels…..check


    song about Indians playing baseball….check

    Wrestling shirt…check

    Dancing midget in a Spider-man costume…check

    Yeah, the show meets the requirements. It’s offically the coolest thing on the planet.

  9. Rat Fink Buddy

    It’s not the coolest. There are not enough car crashes or Go Go Girls.

  10. ASpiderNamedBobby

    The Sleeping Dons will produce a
    disc over the next couple of
    months and hope to release the
    tracks before years end. Taylor Books and Budget Tapes & Records will hopefully carry the discs upon their completion. The Sleeping Dons next performance is scheduled for FRIDAY, AUGUST 18th at Sam’s Uptown Cafe & Bar, 28 Captiol Street in Downtown Charleston. 346-6222.




    Thank you…

    Radio Free Charleston…

  11. ASpiderNamedBobby

    Oops…! Should not have capitalized downtown!!!

  12. Anonymous

    Who knew there was this much great original music here in the capitol city? I got the impression that all we had around here was country music and moronic headbanging metal.

    How far underground is this alternative scene?

    –Sheltered Suzi

  13. Mrs. Garibaldi

    Wehn will you have the other sexy good-looking members of Go Van Gogh on your show?

  14. Anonymous

    How often are you doing this show, and why isn’t it on the front page of the gazz? It’s like they’re keeping it secret.

  15. ikwur&wuhb

    There once was little spider named bobby

    creeping up the bass player’s crooked organ

  16. Surprised in Charleston

    Man, the Sleeping Don’s stuff is fantastic. Steve Beckner is top-flight, too. How have such talented musicians managed to remain out of sight until now? What other gems are you going to unearth on this show?


  17. Anonymous

    Cool show. What happened to the rest of Go Van Gogh? And why hasn’t Stephen aged any?

  18. Anonymous

    Rudy P. has the soul of a giant! Thanks for putting your energy to good use for all of us in Chas. and beyond. Good for you for taking care of your mother for so many years too…Kindness has a way of showing up in the form of creative thought! Keep it up!

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