[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/UbD8ZnPBVq0" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
We’ve got more RFC classics for you this week. Above you see Comparsa, with “La Buena Comparsa,” from episode 27 of Radio Free Charleston. After the jump, you’ll get to see Clownhole with “Heads On Fire, from episode 8 of RFC and The Ghosts Of Now with “Deathburn,” from episode 19.
Why are we posting old videos from Radio Free Charleston? You’ll have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to find out. Here’s a hint: Our third anniversary is coming up in July, and we might just be cooking up something that’ll make it easier to see our old show. “Sunday Evening Videos ” will return in July, but don’t worry. We have some pretty nifty stuff to pick up the video slack here in PopCult. Continue reading