Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Month: May 2009 (Page 1 of 2)

Sunday Evening Videos: More Moldy Oldies

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We’ve got more RFC classics for you this week. Above you see Comparsa, with “La Buena Comparsa,” from episode 27 of Radio Free Charleston. After the jump, you’ll get to see Clownhole with “Heads On Fire, from episode 8 of RFC and The Ghosts Of Now with “Deathburn,” from episode 19.

Why are we posting old videos from Radio Free Charleston?  You’ll have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to find out. Here’s a hint: Our third anniversary is coming up in July, and we might just be cooking up something that’ll make it easier to see our old show.  “Sunday Evening Videos ” will return in July, but don’t worry. We have some pretty nifty stuff to pick up the video slack here in PopCult. Continue reading

Obama Kills And Other Wonderful News

The PopCulteer
May 29, 2009

Yes We Can Stop Annoying Commercials.

The credit card reform bill that flew through Congress and was signed into law recently by President Obama will not only put a stop to many unfair practices by credit card companies (albeit, only after they have a year to really stick it to consumers good), but it will achieve something that may well earn Obama a spot on Mount Rushmore. This new law will effectively kill, and stop those catchy, but totally misleading commercials. I’m talking about the spots with the hapless guy and his two buddies who sing little ditties that blame their lack of free credit reports for all of the hideous mistakes that they’ve made in their pointless slacker lives.

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Hitchcock Circus, WATT4 And Oderus Urungus: RFC 71 Is Live!

Radio Free Charleston number 71, “Golden age Batman Shirt” is online now! This episode of your local music, film, animation and weirdness program includes new music from WATT4, vintage music from Hitchock Circus, a Plant Ro Duction Mini Movie, and a special appearance from IWA East Coast‘s Mad Man Pondo and a friend.

We conclude “Mark Beckner Month with two songs from his band, Hitchcock Circus, who you can see at LiveMix Studio this Saturday. This is a homecoming for Mark, who was a regular on the old RFC radio show.
WATT4 was recorded just last week at The Blue Parrot, and Pondo’s “friend” is Oderus Urungus, the lead singer and mastermind behind GWAR. You can see Oderus wrestle for IWA East Coast next month. Details are found below.

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Monday Morning Art: Velvet Matador

No, it’s not a cheesy painting on velvet, like the popular Elvises or Jesuses that you see at flea markets. Today’s Monday Morning Art is a digital painting based on a sketch I did Saturday night whilst listening to The Velvet Brothers at LiveMix Studio. Inspired by the Latin rythyms they were playing, I was moved to sort of rip off the style of artwork used for Miles Davis’ “Sketches Of Spain” album.

Click the image to enlarge it, and follow the jump for the original sketch and the digitally-colored, pre-painted, version.

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Sunday Evening Videos: Moldy Oldies

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This week in PopCult we take a look back at three videos from the early days of Radio Free Charleston. We’re going to beef up the RFCTVArchives page over at MySpace in June, so you can see all the old episodes of the show that slipped out of the’s pockets and fell into the couch cushions.

Above you see “Guitar Pick In My Kool Aid” by The Concept.  After the jump, check out RFC’s Resident Diva Melanie Larch singing “Ave Maria” and The Feast Of Stephen performing “No Vaccination. All of these tunes are from classic episodes of RFC that will be posted at the archives page in June.

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Art Walk In Photos, Popeye and Dan Dare In Hardcover

The PopCulteer
May 22, 2009

Walking The Art Walk

Last night saw one of the most fun Art Walks that Charleston has seen. The incredible weather made for a great turnout, and the galleries were well-stocked with cool objets de art. We even had musicians playing in the streets, as you can see in our headline image.

I took the PopCult camera around, and snapped pictures of the evening’s artsy goodness. Starting at The Convenience Store, I trekked over to Taylor Books, The Good News Mountaineer Garage, The Purple Moon and Visions Day Spa before heading home for the night. After the jump, you can check out some montage photos of the exhibits I took in. Click ’em to enlarge.

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Arty Day Post #2: Duality at The Convenience Store

Duality is the name of a new show at The Convenience Store (you may remember them from episode 67 of RFC a few week’s back).  This exhibit of 28 high-contrast pieces by some of the area’s more underground talents will be officially unveiled tonight.

We were lucky enough to get a sneak peek at a few images from the show, which you will get to see after the jump.  Thanks to Scott Shapero for the tiny glimpse of what promises to be a cool exhibit.

 The opening is tonight at 5 PM. You can meet and greet the artists June 12, from 5 PM to 11 PM. The Convenience Store is located at 172 Summers Street, Charleston. We’ll have more details and images from this show in tomorrow’s PopCulteer.

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Arty Day Post #1: Head First To Good News Mountaineer Garage

Last week’s ultra-cool “Head First” show at the Hansford Street Art House moves over to the Good News Mountaineer Garage on Hale Street for Art Walk tonight.

You’ll get to see work by several of the area’s up-and-coming artists like Dane Klingaman, Andrea Anderson(that’s her work at the bottom of this post), Emily Haynes, Amanda Jane Miller, and my old buddy, Eric Pardue, seen below posing with his work.

I’m only scratching the surface in terms of the many artists who contributed to this show. You should head out to the Good News Mountaineer Garage tonight to see this cool collection of Charleston’s New young artists. 

RFC 70: Barebones, Beckner And “Burn The Hairy Man”

The seventieth episode of Radio Free Charleston,”Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch Shirt” is online now!

This edition of your local music, film, animation and art webcast is jam-packed with music and other short bits of coolness. The music is from Barebones, the accapella group who debuted on RFC just a few weeks ago, plus we continue “Mark Beckner Month” with a couple of performances that feature Mark one solo, and one supporting his brother Stephen while jamming on an old Go Van Gogh tune.

As if the music weren’t enough, we also have a 100-second art show, this time showcasing the work of Leia Bell, a promo clip for “Viva le Vaudeville,” and the debut of “A Plant Ro Duction Mini Movie.”

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Monday Morning Art: The Mall

Believe it or not, the above image is a digitally-assaulted photograph of the center court of the Charleston Town Center. I took the photo last summer. Click the image to enlarge it. After the jump, check out the original picture, with the Starbucks where all the cool people work in the lower right corner.

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