Kanawha Players“Briefs and Shorts” program returns Thursday evening at the Charleston Ballet Building with an evening of comedy that celebrates the wit of brevity. Three short plays–around ten minutes each–make up the evening. It kicks off at 8PM and you’ll be home by 9:30.
Tonight KP presents a scene from the play “The Owl And The Pussycat,”by Bill Manhoff, directed by Tara Phares-Pauley and starring Tony Slack and Morgan Garrett. This is the play that the popular Barbra Streisand/George Segal film came from and tells the story of Doris, a retired prostitute, and her encounters with Felix, an older, stodgy man. Some of you may remember Tony from his memorable opening line in the No Pants Players Cabaret show during FestivAll last June.
Next is a short play entitled “Date with a Stranger” by Cherie Vogelstein, directed by and starring Kevin Pauley, and also starring Jamie Dunbar. Both are also members of The No Pants Players. This is a hilarious piece that goes through the entire process of a relationship, including every high and low, in the span of about ten minutes!
Lastly, Huntington playwright Jon Joy will bring his original piece, “The War on Halloween” to the Charleston stage. The cool thing is that just a little over a week later this same piece will debut in New York City – but Charleston gets the world premiere!
It’s great to see the new season of KP’s Briefs and Shorts kick off. This is a great way to experience live theater in an intimate setting. Plus this format caters to those of us with short attention spans.
IF YOU GO: Thursday Night’s performance will be at the Charleston Ballet at 822 Virginia Street. Admission is $5. The show starts at 8PM. Shows include adult language and situations.