We always try to do something special for our Halloween shows on Radio Free Charleston. In 2008 I decided to pay homage to the cheesy horror movies hosts of my youth, and came up with “Radio Free Charleston Horror Theater,” hosted by me, as “Count Rudoph.” We shot the host segments at LiveMix Studio, and I assembled a cast of terrific performers–Liz McCormick,Melanie Larch, Brian Young, and as “Celeste the Zombie Supermodel,” Chelsea Cook. While I wrote a script, the five of us basically improvised the show. You see the first two parts at the top of this post. The April Fool’s bonus installment is below.
We had so much fun that the following spring we decided to do it again, only this time for our April Fool’s episode. Chelsea wasn’t available for this shoot, but we added Alan Young and Mark and Stephen Beckner. Again, it was a ton of fun. Stick around for the post-end-credit gag.
The music on these shows is top-notch, too. You’ll hear Doctor Senator, The Hellblinki Sextet, Under The Radar, Go Van Gogh, Whistlepunk and Hitchcock Circus. You’ll also get to see animation by Wladislaw Starewicz and Frank Panucci, and short films by Rich Allen and Spike Nesmith. You will also bear witness to the truth about Jack The Ripper. That’s all in addition to the zombie hijinks.
You can read the productions notes for part one and part two, and the fake and real notes for the third installment. There’s nothing like a little Halloween magic to warm up a snowed-over day.