Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Month: May 2023 (Page 1 of 4)

A Pre-Summer RFC Marathon: Day Three

The Radio Free Charleston Pre-Summer Marathon is happening now on The AIR. To hear this epic, five-day RFC extravaganza you simply have to tune in at the website, or you could just stay on this page, and  listen to the cool embedded player that’s become a beloved part of this blog.

Due to a perfect storm of your PopCulteer taking a little trip, and the need to clear a few episodes of Radio Free Charleston off of the server to make room for new shows, we are taking five days to present forty episodes of Radio Free Charleston Volume Five, the latest internet radio version of our show, all in one huge programming block on The AIR.

After this marathon wraps up, these shows will go back in the vault for a couple of months, only to return when it’s time to drop them in place for their spot on the RFC Daily replay weekdays at 5 PM. When these shows come back, the first forty episodes will go away for a while and we will still have freed up enough room for 120 hours of top-notch radio here on The AIR.

Here is Wednesday’s line up of RFC V5 on The AIR, and links that will take you to a post that includes each episode’s full playlist.

7 AM:  RFC V5 Episode 57

10 AM: RFC V5 Episode 58

1 PM: RFC V5 Episode 59

4 PM: RFC V5 Episode 60

7 PM: RFC V5 Episode 61

10 PM: RFC V5 Episode 62

1 AM:  RFC V5 Episode 63

4 AM: RFC V5 Episode 64

We will post a reminder every day here in PopCult, along with our regular features, so you’ll have even more fresh content every day!

A Pre-Summer RFC Marathon: Day Two

The Radio Free Charleston Pre-Summer Marathon is happening now on The AIR. To hear this epic, five-day RFC extravaganza you simply have to tune in at the website, or you could just stay on this page, and  listen to the cool embedded player that’s become a beloved part of this blog.

Due to a perfect storm of your PopCulteer taking a little trip, and the need to clear a few episodes of Radio Free Charleston off of the server to make room for new shows, we are taking five days to present forty episodes of Radio Free Charleston Volume Five, the latest internet radio version of our show, all in one huge programming block on The AIR.

After this marathon wraps up, these shows will go back in the vault for a couple of months, only to return when it’s time to drop them in place for their spot on the RFC Daily replay weekdays at 5 PM. When these shows come back, the first forty episodes will go away for a while and we will still have freed up enough room for 120 hours of top-notch radio here on The AIR.

Here is Tuesday’s line up of RFC V5 on The AIR, and links that will take you to a post that includes each episode’s full playlist.

7 AM:  RFC V5 Episode 49

10 AM: RFC V5 Episode 50

1 PM: RFC V5 Episode 51

4 PM: RFC V5 Episode 52

7 PM: RFC V5 Episode 53

10 PM: RFC V5 Episode 54

1 AM:  RFC V5 Episode 55

4 AM: RFC V5 Episode 56

We will post a reminder every day here in PopCult, along with our regular features, so you’ll have even more fresh content every day!

Monday Morning Art: Fake Nature

This week’s art is a quick n’sloppy mixed media piece created without the use of photo reference, mainly because I was too lazy to look for any.

It’s a largely acrylic painting of autumnal colors in the trees, the likes of which yours truly usually doesn’t have any luck capturing in photographs.

So I made this one up. It’s acrylic on heavy duty watercolor paper, but the sky is all watercolor, and I did a little touch-up work with pastel crayons. I also cropped the heck out of it because it was really sloppy around the edges.

While I tried to employ a little bit of Edward Hopperesque light and shadow here, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that some Bob Ross-style “happy little trees” crept into my technique.

To see it bigger,  try clicking HERE

Over in radioland, Monday on The AIR, we begin a five-day marathon of forty classic episodes of Radio Free Charleston Volume 5, from 2021. You can find all the details about this 120-hour-blast of free-format radio loaded with local and independent music elsewhere in PopCult.

A Pre-Summer RFC Marathon: Day One

The Radio Free Charleston Pre-Summer Marathon is happening now on The AIR. To hear this epic, five-day RFC extravaganza you simply have to tune in at the website, or you could just stay on this page, and  listen to the cool embedded player that’s become a beloved part of this blog.

Due to a perfect storm of your PopCulteer taking a little trip, and the need to clear a few episodes of Radio Free Charleston off of the server to make room for new shows, we are taking five days to present forty episodes of Radio Free Charleston Volume Five, the latest internet radio version of our show, all in one huge programming block on The AIR.

After this marathon wraps up, these shows will go back in the vault for a couple of months, only to return when it’s time to drop them in place for their spot on the RFC Daily replay weekdays at 5 PM. When these shows come back, the first forty episodes will go away for a while and we will still have freed up enough room for 120 hours of top-notch radio here on The AIR.

Here is Monday’s line up of RFC V5 on The AIR, and links that will take you to a post that includes each episode’s full playlist.

7 AM:  RFC V5 Episode 41

10 AM: RFC V5 Episode 42

1 PM: RFC V5 Episode 43

4 PM: RFC V5 Episode 44

7 PM: RFC V5 Episode 45

10 PM: RFC V5 Episode 46

1 AM:  RFC V5 Episode 47

4 AM: RFC V5 Episode 48

We will post a reminder every day here in PopCult, along with our regular features, so you’ll have even more fresh content every day!

Sunday Evening Video: A Radio Free Charleston Milestone

Starting Monday morning at 7 AM on The AIR. we begin five straight days of Radio Free Charleston Volume 5.  Each day we’ll post a schedule with links to each episode’s playlist, plus an explanation of why we’re doing the marathon.

To warn you of this, our Sunday Evening Video this week takes us back to March, 2012 for episode 150 of Radio Free Charleston. “Black Shirt” was a celebration of LiveMix Studio, our first production partner without whom Radio Free Charleston would never have existed as a video program. LiveMix is long gone now, but in this episode, we revisited some of the incredible performances and spoke with some of the musicians who helped make our first 150 video episodes so special.

This is an extra-long compilation show, and it’s filled with local legends like Raymond Wallace, Whistlepunk 2.0, The Nanker Phelge, The Ghosts of Now, The Feast of Stephen, Sasha Colete and Mrs. PopCulteer, Mel Larch. It’s a good ‘un, and it reminds us how much we miss LiveMix Studio. I don’t want to go into the long explanation of how RFC began on broadcast radio, was revived as an online video show, and is now an annual video show and a weekly internet radio show, so just accept it as it is and enjoy.

It’s complicated, but it makes for a really good reminder that our marathon begins Monday.

The RFC Flashback: Episode Twenty-Seven

From September, 2007, comes RFC 27 “Trust Me I’m A Doctor Shirt.” Highlighted by music from Comparsa, Doctor Senator and Stephanie Deskins, this show also features animation by Stephen Beckner and a creepy toy commercial. This is yet another RFC Flashback that we just ran in this space about eight months go, but we’re sticking to our chronological presentation, and going forward I don’t plan to keep mentioning it.

This installment, titled “Trust Me I’m A Doctor Shirt,” is crammed full of a diverse assortment of excellent music, plus just a dash of animation and mind-hurting weirdness. We were all over town in this show, at LiveMix Studio, The Sound Factory, The La Belle Theater, and even on the South Side Bridge.

We have great songs from Stephanie Deskins, and Doctor Senator and Comparsa, plus a cartoon by Stephen Beckner and a really creepy toy commercial (about which we will not speak again). Hosted by yours truly from the South Side Bridge, the iconic gateway that leads from downtown Charleston to up where all the user fee money goes to pave roads. The original production notes can be found HERE.

In the above episode of the show we had to do something that we really hate to do on RFC.  We had to edit one of the songs for time constraints.  Comparsa’s wonderful tune, “La Buena Comparsa” wound up missing about 90 seconds, including a way-cool bass and percussion solo. So here, in all its unedited glory, is “La Buena Comparsa,” recorded live at the La Belle Theater in South Charleston.  t

The Problem With MAX, Plus Elvis Costello Lives!

The PopCulteer
May 26, 2023

We have a longish and heavily-rewritten essay and a playlist for Friday’s new Big Electric Cat this week in the PopCulteer.

MAX Factors

A few days ago the streaming servive, HBO Max, became simply “MAX.”

And it’s a damned shame.

This definitely falls under the heading, “First World Problem,” but let me explain. When HBO MAX launched three years ago, it was instantly one of the best, if not THE best streaming service on the planet. Encompassing the libraries of Warner Brothers, MGM, Turner Classic Movies, DC Comics, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Looney Tunes, Sesame Street, Studio Ghibli as well as the vast WarnerMedia library of televison programs and a few acquired gems, like South Park, HBO MAX had just about everything a discriminating viewer could want.

Aside from the technical glitches that any streaming service will experience when getting off the ground, HBO MAX largely justified its high monthly fee.

The best thing about HBO MAX was that it sorted its content into “Hubs.” If you were in the mood for Looney Tunes, you could navigate right to them. If you wanted to watch movies or TV shows or even animation based on DC Comics, they had their own Hub. TCM had a Hub, as did Studio Ghibli and HBO. It made HBO MAX so much easier to use than, let’s say Netflix, where they have a vast library of stuff randomly scattered across a few vague catagories. Most of my time spent watching Netflix is just scrolling around trying to find something worth watching.

A couple of years ago, WarnerMedia merged with Discovery Communications, the folks who run a wide variety of cable channels filled with a gigantic assortment of inexpensive-to-produce reality shows, much of which are just garbage TV. The management of the newly-formed WBD were the folks who had been running Discovery. Since then, pennies have been mercilessly pinched.

They decided that in May, 2023 they would merge their streaming services into “MAX,” so they could jack up the price. Almost immediately after the merger, content started disappearing from HBO MAX. Entire series vanished with no warning. Lately, more than half of the Looney Tunes libary simply went away. Big chunks of Sesame Street are gone, including classic episodes. Even recent HBO original series like Westworld were unceremoniously yanked with no warning.

The plan was to dump all the low-class, garbage shows from Discovery+ and all the high-class content from HBO MAX into one half-assed service that would cost considerably more than either of those services.

That plan didn’t quite happen. Customers of Discovery+ made it clear that they would drop the relatively cheap service if the price went beyond ten dollars a month. Customers of HBO MAX made it clear that they were unhappy with all the lost content and had no interest in the reality shows from Discovery.

The newly-merged WBD (Warner Brothers/Discovery) decided to drop the idea of shutting down Discovery+. Unfortunately, they proceeded with stripping HBO MAX of its identity and a large part of its libary, vowing to fill in the gaps with cheap reality shows from the bottom of Discovery’s barrel.

They shortened HBO MAX to “MAX,” jettisoning one of the most respected brands in entertainment, and then, to add insult to injury, they threw away the Hubs. They did not fix the glitch where, no matter what you’re watching, twenty to thirty seconds in, the picture will freeze for half a minute while the sound continues.

{A Late Update: Following tens of thousands of customer complaints, Thursday evening the former Hubs from HBO MAX were added back to the Search page, under the heading, “Brand Spotlight.” Give them credit for responding swiftly. So you can ignore the rant I’ve now italicized and stricken through below. Now you can directly access TCM, DC, Adult Swim and everything else, but it’s not as easy to find as it used to be. That was my second-biggest complaint about MAX. They still removed so much content that the service is a shadow of its former self.}

They even had to add “HBO” back to some of the graphics because so many people didn’t bother to update to the new app.

After having to delete and reinstall MAX on the Roku, I was stunned to find that, instead of the familiar Hubs, there were only four major Hubs: “Movies,” “Series,” “HBO,” and “New and Notable.”

If I want to watch, let’s say, Doom Patrol, I have to go to “Series” and then figure out that it’s an “Action” show, and then scroll down to the alphabetical list, and find it there.

And getting there I have to scroll through a hell of a lot of stuff that isn’t what I’m looking for. It took over five minutes to find my show.

If I want to see what TCM offers this month…I’m out of luck. I have to go to “Movies” and scroll through the whole damned list and guess which ones are classics. There is no “Classics” or “TCM” catagory. I think it’s a safe bet that Space Jam is not a TCM offering, but I had to scroll past that movie five times before I gave up.

And I hate that movie.

What has happened is that MAX, has become just another streaming service. I have no loyalty to it. I’ll drop it and save my sixteen bucks a month for now. Once or twice a year, I’ll sign back up and keep it for a month so Mel and I can catch up with what we missed. That’s what I did with Disney+ and I’ll probably get around to dropping Netflix sooner rather than later.

It’s ironic that the streaming services I’m keeping are the least expensive. Peacock is worth the five bucks a month just for the WWE content that I enjoy, and their original series are much, much better than some of the highly-touted shows on other streamers. Likewise, Mel enjoys having access to the SpongeBob Squarepants library on Paramount+, and I don’t mind the Star Trek content. It’s only seven bucks or so each month.

It seems that the problem with MAX and all the churn among streaming services is that, thus far, it’s not a sustainable business. The whole idea of a media company like Warners or Disney keeping all their best material for their own service, rather than licensing it out to other companies seemed smarter in theory than it was in practice.

In truth, Disney and Warners have lost billions of dollars on Disney+ and HBO Max, and the problem is that the revenue streams they had from licensing out their shows to Netflix or cable channels or premium movie networks dried up right as they were investing tons of money into the digital infrastructure needed to support a streaming service.

On top of that, they overestimated how loyal their viewers would be.

I only ever signed up for Disney+ to see The Beatles Get Back, and once I (finally) got my copy on Blu Ray, I pulled the plug. My main reason for signing up for HBO Max was to watch the further episodes of Titans and Doom Patrol, once they eliminated video from DC Universe. With Titans done, only six episodes of Doom Patrol left, and John Oliver’s show shut down due to the WGA strike, the end is near for MAX in my house.

I’ll sign up again in a few months when they bring back The Gilded Age. Then when that show’s second season is done, I’ll drop it again.

And to be honest, I think I’m late to this game. It’s why the “churn rate” is so high. I suspect it’ll only get worse in the future as more people get tired of paying ever-raising prices while watching less and less.

If this keeps up, the movie and TV business will see its content devalued to the point where it’s practically worthless, like what happened to the music industry.

Declan McManus Day

Meanwhile, Friday afternoon on our internet radio station we offer up a new episode of Sydney’s Big Electric Cat. The AIR is PopCult’s sister radio station. You can hear our shows on The AIR website, or just click on the embedded player found elsewhere on this page.

At 2 PM, We present an encore of a classic episode of Mel Larch’s Disco-era showcase, MIRRORBALL.

You can hear MIRRORBALL every Friday at 2 PM, with replays throughout the following week, Saturday at 9 PM, Sunday at 11 PM, Monday at 9 AM and Tuesday at 1 PM.

At 3 PM, Sydney Fileen graces us with special mixtape-style new episode of Sydney’s Big Electric Cat.  This week Sydney devotes the entire two hours of her show to the New Wave-era music of Elvis Costello. With such legendary albums as My Aim Is True, Armed Forces, Get Happy, Imperial Bedroom and many others, Elvis Costello exemplified the spirit of New Wave’s melting pot, mixing punk with country, pop, classical, jazz and singer-songwriter sensibilities.

Join Sydney as she takes a non-chronological jaunt through the music of Elvis Costello during the New Wave era, from his first album, in 1978 to the mid-1980s. Elvis, of course, has never faded from relevance as an artist, releasing vital and vibrant music to this day, but this show is all about his early career, as backed by the band Clover, and with his first regular backing band, The Attractions.

Check out the playlist…

Sydney’s Big Electric Cat 104

Elvis Costello
“Accidents will Happen”
“Welcome To The Working Week”
“Love For Tender”
“From A Whisper To A Scream”
“…and In Every Home”
“(I Don’t Want To Go To) Chelsea”
“Less Than Zero”
“Everyday I Write The Book”
“Tears Before Bedtime”
“The Only Flame In Town”
“High Fidelity”
“Lover’s Walk”
“Jack of All Parades”
“You Little Fool”
“Senior Service”
“Mystery Dance”
“Pills And Soap”
“Radio Radio”
“Pump It Up”
“Human Hands”
“Goon Squad”
“Blame It On Cain”
“What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love and Understanding”
“Beaten To The Punch”
“Tokyo Storm Warning”
“Girl’s Talk”
“The Comedians”
“Moods For Moderns”
“This Year’s Girl”
“Hoover Factory”
“Peace In Our Time”
“Watching The Detectives”

Sydney’s Big Electric Cat is produced at Haversham Recording Institute in London, and can be heard every Friday at 3 PM, with replays Saturday afternoon,  Monday at 7 AM, Tuesday at 8 PM, Wednesday at Noon and Thursday at 10 AM, exclusively on The AIR. Classic episodes can be heard Sunday morning at 10 AM.

That’s what’s new on The AIR Friday, and that is this week’s PopCulteer. Check back for our regular features every day, and prepare yourselves for a special RFC marathon that begins next Monday Morning and runs all next week!

A Long Weekend’s Journey Into STUFF TO DO

As we pay tribute to those who gave their lives so that we can have STUFF TO DO, PopCult reminds you of events happening in Charleston and all over the Mountain State and beyond for the next week.

A special note: The Vandalia Gathering is back at the WV State Capitol Grounds this weekend, and you can find out all about it HERE.

Live Music is back at Taylor Books. There is no cover charge, and shows start at 7:30 PM. Friday it’s The Wildwood Players. Saturday That Hgh Country Revival entertains the crowd at Charleston’s beloved Bookstore/Coffee Shop/Art Gallery.

The Empty Glass has some great stuff through the week to tell you about.  Thursday from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, Swingstein and Robin play fiddle and piano and sing swing and early jazz standards. Each week they donate their tips to a local nonprofit or worthy cause. Friday Tim Courts plays during happy hour. Friday at 8 PM the Glass is the place for a Vandalia Gathering Bluegrass Jam with Josh and Jakob Thomas.  Saturday, taking advantage of all the great pickers in town, there’s a Bluegrass Jam with Jeff Haynes at 8 PM. Sunday it’s time for EMPTY GLASS GOT TALENT at 10 PM.  Next week they’ll have an open mic hosted by Unmanned on Monday night, and June Star returns on Tuesday.

Please remember that the pandemic is not over yet. It’s still a going concern. And now there are seasonal allergies, the flu and other ferocious bugs in the mix. Many people who have very good reasons are still wearing masks, and many of us, understandably, are still nervous about being in crowds, masked or not. Be kind and understanding  while you’re out.

If you’re up for going out, here are a few suggestions for the rest of this week, roughly in order.

Friday May 26

Saturday May 27

Continue reading

George & Ira On Curtain Call

George Gershwin was born 125 years ago, and this week Mel Larch brings her listeners a special episode of Curtain Call devoted to 1990s recreations of three Broadway musicals that Gershwin wrote with his brother Ira back almost one hundred years ago.

Wednesday afternoon on The AIR, you can hear highlights from Lady Be Good, Pardon My English and Strike up The Band.  You can tune in at the website, or you can just stay here and listen to the convenient embedded radio player elswhere on this page.

At 3 PM Mel Larch devotes the entire hour of Curtain Call to songs that George Gershwin wrote for the stage, performed by a reperatry company that includes Jason Alexander, John Pizzarelli, Lara Teeter, William Katt, Arnetta Walker, Rebecca Luker and more. It’s a mixtape show, so you’ll want to check the playlist to see what comes up next…

Curtain Call 129

“Strike Up The Band”
“Fascinating Rhythm”
“In Three Quarter Time”
“Oh, Lady Be Good”
“The Luckiest Man In The World”
“Yankee Doodle Rhythm”
“A Wonderful Party”
“The Man I Love”
“Dancing In The Streets”
“Oh, This Is Such A Lovely War”
“The War That Ended War””
“So What”
“Mademoiselle In New Rochelle”

Curtain Call can be heard on The AIR Wednesday at 3 PM, with replays Thursday at 8 AM, Friday at 10 AM, Saturday at 8 PM and Monday at 9 AM. A six-hour marathon of classic episodes can be heard Sunday evenings starting at 6 PM, and an all-night marathon of Curtain Call episodes can be heard Wednesday nights, beginning at Midnight.

Remastered Go Van Gogh Kicks Off A New Radio Free Charleston

Tuesday afternoon happens again this week, and on The AIR that means it’s time for a new  Radio Free Charleston. You simply have to point your cursor over and tune in at the website, or you could just stay here, and  listen to the cool embedded player found elsewhere on this page.  

You can hear Radio Free Charleston Tuesdays at 10 AM and 10 PM, with tons of replays throughout the week.  This week we have one all-new hour, and two hours of a 2019 episode of RFC International that hasn’t been heard since the week it originally aired.

Kicking off this cool edition of our show is a newly-remastered recording of “Stripes With Stains,” a classic tune from Go Van Gogh, one of the original “RFC Fave” bands from back when there were giants in those days.  This comes courtesy of band member, Mark Beckner, who is in the process of digitizing the Go Van Gogh archives, and promises big things in the coming year. We don’t have a webpage to link to GVG in our playlist below, but we can guide you to all the other bands we play in our first hour.

And that first hour contains brand-new music from Buni Muni, Golden, Shake The Dead, Abigail Fierce, Ke$ha, The Korgis and more, plus I explain how I got the title of a song by Payback’s A Bitch wrong last week, and make good by playing the right song this time.  Plus, The Heavy Hitters Band make their RFC debut!

Our second and third hours are freeform music radio on steroids, and you’ll hear everything from a member of XTC covering The Bonzo Dog Band, to then-new music from the surviving Beatles to horror punk, post-punk psychedelica, Polish satirical prog-rock and more.

Check out the playlist below to see all the goodies we have in store. Where possible in the first hour, live links will take you to the artist’s pages so you can find out more about them, buy their music and find out where to see them perform live…

RFC V5 132

hour one
Go Van Gogh “Stripes With Stains”
The Heavy Hitters Band “Blame It On The Groove”
Buni Muni “Tennessee Walker”
The Korgis “Cold Tea (unplugged)”
Abigail Fierce “I Just Wanna Feel Okay Again”
Softeeth “Trainwreck”
Ke$ha “The Drama”
The Wearing Hands “Sieta Lunas”
Overvue “Overview Effect”
The Settlement “Stars”
Shake The Dead “Withered and Decayed”
Golden “Defeated”
Payback’s a Bitch “Get Up…Go (Live–for real this time)”
Dave Strong “C’mon Everybody”

hour two
Andy Partridge “Humanoid Boogie”
Moron Police “Beware The Blue Skies”
The Hatters “Обижен”
Wax “Right Between The Eyes”
Argyle Gooslby “Blood Cave”
Hans Gruber and the Die Hards “American Hero”
The Beautiful South “36D”
Residente “La Sombra”
Cherie Currie & Brie Darling “Something In The AIR”
Mark Knopfler “The Boxer”
Hollywood Vampires “Heroes”
PP Arnold “Different Drum”
The Pretenders “Stop Your Sobbing”
Buck O Nine “Tuff Rudeboy”
Ringo Starr “We’re On The Road Again”

hour three
Julian Cope “Psychedelic Revolution”
Waddy Wachtel “Wadraga”
Billy Sherwood “Sailing The Seas”
Terry Draper “Everything Will Be All Right”
Rupert Hine “Anvils In Five”
Paul McCartney “Dominos”
The Gift “Long Time Dead”
Fish On Friday “Godspeed”

You can hear this episode of Radio Free Charleston Tuesday at 10 AM and 10 PM on The AIR, with replays Wednesday at 9 AM,  Thursday at 2 PM, Friday at 9 AM, Saturday at Noon and Midnight,  and  Monday at 11 AM, exclusively on The AIR. Now you can also hear a different classic episode of RFC every weekday at 5 PM, and we bring you a marathon all night long Saturday night/Sunday morning.

I’m also going to  embed a low-fi, mono version of this show right in this post, right here so you can listen on demand.


After RFC, stick around for encores of last week’s episodes of  MIRRORBALL at 1 PM and Curtain Call at 2 PM.

At 3 PM we offer up two classic episodes of The Swing Shift.  Over the summer,  I intend to ramp up production of new editions of The Swing Shift by producing spotlight episodes that will present a solid hour of music by Swing pioneers like Cab Calloway, Stan Kenton, Artie Shaw, Lester Young and more.

You can hear The Swing Shift Tuesday at 3 PM, with replays Wednesday at 8 AM, Friday at 10 AM and 8 PM and Saturday afternoon, only on The AIR . You can also hear all-night marathons, seven hours each, starting at Midnight Thursday and Sunday evenings.

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