Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Month: November 2009 (Page 1 of 3)

Sunday Evening Video: More From “Mary”

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You still have three chances to see the 2009 CYAC production of “Mary,” which we featured in the latest episode of Radio Free Charleston. At 8 PM next Thursday, Friday and Saturday at The WVSU Capitol Center Theater on Summers Street. Last year we showcased the 2009 production of “Mary” in two half-episodes of RFC.

Above, you see last year’s “Christmas Treat” with Molly Means performing an acapella version of “Child, My Child,” the climax of the show. Molly, who was phenomenal last year as Mary in the rock opera, has grown by leaps and bounds and reprises her role this year. You’ll get to hear this song again, accompanied by the fifteen-piece “Mary” orchestra, in this year’s Radio Free Charleston Christmas show in just a few weeks. But you can go to the theater an hear it in person this weekend!

After the jump, check out RFC 56.5, featuring songs from “Mary” performed by last year’s cast, which included Tanya Dillon-Page and RFC’s own resident diva, Melanie Larch. Note that the dates listed for the show are for last year’s performance. I’m also re-posting the latest RFC, with excerpts from this year’s production.

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Black Friday, Mother Nang Returns And More Affordable Art

The PopCulteer
November 27, 2009

Producing a column for Black Friday is a bit of a daunting task. Most people aren’t going to read it until Monday, if at all. I could go the low-brow route and use foul language and post NSFW videos while I can get away with it, but that’d be too easy. Instead I will go on as though nothing unusual is happening and plug the cool weekend events. So just read this PopCulteer and move along…nothing to see here.

The Dang Return Of Mother Nang

Old friends of Radio Free Charleston, the newly-reunited Mother Nang take the stage at the newly-refurbished and renamed “The Boulevard Tavern” Saturday night at 9:30 PM.

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High Art-Low Prices,plus Thanksgiving Ham

The PopCulteer
November 25, 2009

Under A Bill

It’s special mid-week PopCulteer, as we feature a preview of the “Under A Bill” art show, opening during Art Walk this Friday at The Good News Mountaineer Garage Gallery.

Curated by Joe Bolyard, who has some of his own amazing work on display, this multi-artist show has the unique hook that every piece is priced to sell for less than a hundred dollars. Other artists involved include Mark Wolfe, Amy Williams, Devon Woodrum, Rebecca Burch, Glen Brogan, Vasillia Scouras, Chris Rhodes, Andrea Anderson, Dave Frazier, Keith Allen, Laura Chapman, and your loyal PopCulteer. I snuck in while the show was being hung, and snapped some pictures. So, with minimal captions, here’s a look at what you can find at the Good News Mountaineer Garage Gallery on Hale Street, starting this Friday. We’ll have more photos from this show in a bonus PopCulteer this weekend.

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High Art-Low Prices,plus Thanksgiving Ham

The PopCulteer
November 25, 2009

Under A Bill

It’s special mid-week PopCulteer, as we feature a preview of the “Under A Bill” art show, opening during Art Walk this Friday at The Good News Mountaineer Garage Gallery.

Curated by Joe Bolyard, who has some of his own amazing work on display, this multi-artist show has the unique hook that every piece is priced to sell for less than a hundred dollars. Other artists involved include Mark Wolfe, Amy Williams, Devon Woodrum, Rebecca Burch, Glen Brogan, Vasillia Scouras, Chris Rhodes, Andrea Anderson, Dave Frazier, Keith Allen, Laura Chapman, and your loyal PopCulteer. I snuck in while the show was being hung, and snapped some pictures. So, with minimal captions, here’s a look at what you can find at the Good News Mountaineer Garage Gallery on Hale Street, starting this Friday. We’ll have more photos from this show in a bonus PopCulteer this weekend.

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Radio Free Charleston Meets “Mary”

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At the top of this post you see the latest episode of Radio Free Charleston, which is comprised primarily of music from the CYAC Rock Opera, “Mary.” We also have a really cool “120 Second Art Show” from the Habitat Restore Relics show a couple of weeks ago.

This year’s production of “Mary” opens Friday at the WVSU Capitol Center Theater. Performances are at 8 PM on November 27 and 28 and December 3,4 and 5. A 2 PM Matinee will be held Sunday, November 29. Tickets are $9.50 for adults, $5.50 for students and seniors.

We brought our cameras into Monday’s rehearsal so we could bring you this sneak preview of one of Charleston’s coolest holiday traditions. This was another “guerrilla film-making” episode of the show, where we shot the show and try to have it online within 30 hours.

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Radio Free Charleston Meets “Mary”

At the top of this post you see the latest episode of Radio Free Charleston, which is comprised primarily of music from the CYAC Rock Opera, “Mary.” We also have a really cool “120 Second Art Show” from the Habitat Restore Relics show a couple of weeks ago.

This year’s production of “Mary” opens Friday at the WVSU Capitol Center Theater. Performances are at 8 PM on November 27 and 28 and December 3,4 and 5. A 2 PM Matinee will be held Sunday, November 29. Tickets are $9.50 for adults, $5.50 for students and seniors.

We brought our cameras into Monday’s rehearsal so we could bring you this sneak preview of one of Charleston’s coolest holiday traditions. This was another “guerrilla film-making” episode of the show, where we shot the show and try to have it online within 30 hours.

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Monday Morning Art: Dog Boy

Today’s art is the original color marker sketch, “Dog Boy,” that wound up as part of “Monster Faces,” a collaborative work that I did witb my brother, Frank Panucci for the ArtMares exhibit during HallowEast. Well, this week, on Black Friday, you’ll get a chance to revisit ArtMares, one of the coolest art shows in Charleston. The ArtMares exhibit can be seen once more during Friday’s Art Walk at 1598 Washington Street, across the street from The Bluegrass Kitchen. Art Walk is on Friday this month, and will be up and running from 5 PM to 8 PM at the usual galleries downtown. Check out the newly-redesigned website here.

“Dog Boy” was drawn at LiveMix Studio one night in late Summer, when I was still mourning the loss of one of my heroes, Heinz Edelmann, by mercilessly ripping off his style. Click the image to see it larger.

Sunday Evening Video: That Fateful Day

It’s hard to believe that, on this day, so many years ago, this country was shocked by one of the most horrible political assassinations ever. In solemn rememberance of that day, we bring you this musical tribute.

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Socks, we hardly knew ye.

ReStore Relics Revisited

The PopCulteer
November 20, 2009

Habitat Restore Relics

A very cool art event took place last Saturday at Habitat Restore. “Restore Relics” presented the work of over 30 local artists, all working with recycled material. The theme of the show was centered on the holidays, and half the proceeds went to Habitat For Humanity.

The show was a real kick, with several very inexpensive pieces that were being snapped up left and right. I was lucky to get there early to take pictures. Most of this week’s PopCulteer is devoted to a photo essay of the show. But that’s not all, so read on.

Our headline photo is Charlie Hamilton, hamming it up with one of the very cool pieces he created for the show using recovered wood.

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