Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Month: January 2009 (Page 1 of 2)

RFC 58: Bitter Cold, Hot Music from Lonely Town and Marcie Bullock

The fifty-eighth edition of Radio Free Charleston is online now! This episode features music from Lonely Town and Marcie Bullock, icy animation from Frank Panucci and a quick look at the CYAC production of “Lincoln” an original opera, opening in town this weekend. Our live music was recorded at The Blue Parrot and at Sam’s Uptown Cafe, both Capitol Street institutions.

Full details on how we put this show together are on the other side of the “Read More.”

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“Lincoln” Starts Thursday

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Here’s a quick look at the CYAC Opera, “Lincoln” by Dan Kehde and Mark Scarpelli, which you can see at the WVSU Capitol Center Theater on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 PM and Sunday at 2 PM. You can also see the show February 5,6 and 7 at 8PM. Tickets are $5.50 for Students and Seniors and $9.50 for Adults.  I shot this clip Monday evening at a rehearsal for the show, and you can see this clip, plus more footage from that rehearsal in Radio Free Charleston episode 58, which should go online tomorrow, right here at

RFC 58 will also feature music from Marcie Bullock and Lonely Town, plus “Ice Drift,” a cartoon by Frank Panucci. Check back Wednesday to see if we managed to beat the snow and get the show delivered.

Monday Morning Art: Untitled

This week’s morsel of self-indulgent artistic brain squeezins is an untitled piece that I doodled in my sketchbook at Taylor Book’s Saturday night while listening to Sean Richardson perform (Karen was sick, so Sean was solo).

I don’t know what the heck it is. It’s a freaking doodle, for Christ’s sake! I did it in black and red markers and brush pens and then scanned it and colored it in the computer. Hey, they can’t all be winners, and they can’t all have interesting stories. It’s untitled because all I could think of was “Scary TV,” and that just sounded moronic.

Feel free to click the image for a larger version, and visit the Monday Morning Art store to purchase this hasty doodle. Go ahead, encourage my meager efforts. I dare you!  While you’re not buying things from the Monday Morning Art Store, please don’t forget to ignore the PopCult Store and the Radio Free Charleston Store, too.

Sunday Evening Videos: Johnny West, by MARX!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] 

For reasons that will become apparent within the next week, tonight’s dose of PopCult video is a tribute to Johnny West and “The Best Of The West” action figures which were produced by Marx Toy Company in the 1960s and 1970s.  One bit of local interest, most of these figures were made at the Marx factory in Glen Dale, WV.

For more Western action, including some animated adventures of Johnny West made by fans, follow the jump…..

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Sunday Evening Videos: DEVOBAMA with Chrissie Hynde and The Black Keys

Our video tonight is a shaky bootleg audience video shot during the fabled “DEVOBama” benefit, held in Akron Ohio last October. What you see above is Chrissie Hynde, backed by DEVO and The Black Keys, performing “Breaking The Concrete,” the title track from the new Pretenders album. Of course, we’re bringing you this because of the big day Tuesday….the birthdays of David Lynch, Snoop Dogg, Bill Maher, Michelle Malkin, Alan Parsons, Malcolm McClaren, Lewis Grizzard and Slim Whitman. If ever there was a more DEVO assortment of famous and infamous people, I haven’t seen it.

Oh, this was also a benefit for Barack Obama, and he starts his new job Tuesday. There’s more low-fi shaky DEVOBAMA video after the “Read More” link….

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Words About A Show Without Words: RFC 57

The new Radio Free Charleston, our first show of 2009 and our second “show without words” is online now! This episode features music from Chuck Biel’s Punk Jazz, Elemental Devices and The Scrap Iron Pickers, as well as a short film by Drew The Dramatic Fool. Fans of Frank Panucci’s animation will be delighted as nearly half of this edition of RFC’s running time features Frank’s CGI wizardry.

I host the show from an alley on Lee Street. Be sure to watch for a brief UFO attack. I think we’ve managed to kick off 2009 with our trippiest show yet. More details below the cyber-fold:

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Monday Morning Art: Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen

We’re kicking off the second week of 2009 just like we did the first one…using art to plug an upcoming show! This time it’s a digital watercolor of Jonathon and Laura, AKA Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen From Mars, who will be performing at Taylor Books Friday, January 16. starting around 7:30 PM. This is a digitally assaulted photograph that was originally run through the Japanese brush filter, then recolored and fed into my watercolor machine.

You should make it a point to catch Jonathon and Laura this Friday, since Jonathon will be deployed to Iraq next month, and late word is that he’ll be over there six months instead of the expected four. The RFC crew will be on hand to snag a couple of songs, too.

Feel free to click the image for a larger version, and visit the Monday Morning Art store to purchase this image. In the unlikely event that we sell any of these, half the proceeds will go to Jonahton and Laura, possibly to help pay for Chinchella chow.  While you’re not buying things from the Monday Morning Art Store, please don’t forget to ignore the PopCult Store and the Radio Free Charleston Store, too.

On the other side of the “read more,” you can see the original photo and some earlier versions. Continue reading

Sunday Evening Videos: John Radcliff

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My longtime buddy, the mastermind behind the Parkersburg Songpull and frequent RFC guest, John Radcliff, is performing with Joseph Henry Saturday January 17 at Taylor Books.  They should start playing around 8 PM, and the RFC cameras will be on hand to capture both of these fine vocalist/songsmiths.  This evening we’re going to look at a couple of Rad’s videos.  Above you see John performing his song, “Writing’s Hard,” which we recorded at LiveMix Studio nearly two years ago. After the jump, you can see Rad doing his song “Come On In” at the December 2007 RFC retrospective.  Note that I got the title wrong when I edited the video. Yes, I suck.

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