We’re kicking off the second week of 2009 just like we did the first one…using art to plug an upcoming show! This time it’s a digital watercolor of Jonathon and Laura, AKA Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen From Mars, who will be performing at Taylor Books Friday, January 16. starting around 7:30 PM. This is a digitally assaulted photograph that was originally run through the Japanese brush filter, then recolored and fed into my watercolor machine.
You should make it a point to catch Jonathon and Laura this Friday, since Jonathon will be deployed to Iraq next month, and late word is that he’ll be over there six months instead of the expected four. The RFC crew will be on hand to snag a couple of songs, too.
Feel free to click the image for a larger version, and visit the Monday Morning Art store to purchase this image. In the unlikely event that we sell any of these, half the proceeds will go to Jonahton and Laura, possibly to help pay for Chinchella chow. While you’re not buying things from the Monday Morning Art Store, please don’t forget to ignore the PopCult Store and the Radio Free Charleston Store, too.
On the other side of the “read more,” you can see the original photo and some earlier versions. Continue reading