Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Month: September 2008 (Page 1 of 2)

Sunday Evening Video: “Jack The Ripper” The Musical

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] 

CYAC Presents the new Scarpelli/Kehde Musical “Jack The Ripper” starting this week at The WVSU Capitol Center Theater, 123 Summers St. in Charleston.  Our video this week is a promo spot I made for the show.

This is an amazing night of theater, featuring original work created by and starring local talent. In the clip above (which I shot last Thursday night) you see Ryan Hardiman as “Jack” and RFC Big Shot Melanie Larch as “Mary Kelly,” the final victim of The Ripper.  There is also a large cast of young talent mixed with area theater veterans such as Kevin Pauley,Greg Garner and Penny Fioravante.  Tickets are $9.50 for adults, and $5.50 for students and seniors. Call (304) 342-6522 for more information.

Under The Radar and The Synergy Collective in St. Albans

Two fan-favorite bands from Radio Free Charleston are teaming up to bring you an evening of wonderful free outdoor music at St. Albans City Park Ampitheater this Saturday!

SATURDAY, September 27 6PM-8PM
Admission is FREE!

(as seen above, and on RFC #4, #17, and #21 the latter two of which will be returning online at the RFCTVArchive in the next few months)

(As seen below, and on RFC episodes 33, 36 and 42)

Your host for the evening will be your’s truly, Rudy Panucci, author of this here PopCult blog and host of Radio Free Charleston. This will be a fun evening of great, free music at the St. Albans City Park Ampitheater. It’s early in the evening, so you can fit it in between the Coal Bowl and whatever late-night plans you have.  After the jump, check out some video of the bands.

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Sunday Evening Videos: Night Flight

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That’s Ron and Nancy, in a speech specially edited and presented on Night Flight. 

I’ve mentioned before that one of the major influences on Radio Free Charleston was an obscure show that used to run on the USA Network back in the 1980s.  Night Flight was a collection of music, animation, comedy and mind-hurting weirdness that aired weekend nights from 11 PM to 5 AM.  The show jumped the shark before most people discovered it.  Originally they showed uncut cult movies with no commercial breaks and opened with a half-hour segment called “Take Off,” which featured original videos for the likes of Elvis Costello and The Stranglers produced by VideoWest in San Francisco.

After the first few months on the air, USA made the producers start editing the show, and they crowbarred-in commercials, but even watered-down, Night Flight was the hippest thing on TV.  After the jump, you’ll see more examples of this classic TV all-nighter.  See if any of it reminds you of RFC.

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Rock Out With Your Art Out

There is a very cool art exhibit tonight and tomorrow at the Good News Mountaineer Garage Gallery at 221 Hale Street in Charleston. is curating a collection of Modern Concert Poster Art.  You’ll get to see posters for Bob Dylan, The Flaming Lips, The White Stripes and many, many others.   This exhibit is free and open to the public tonight and tomorrow starting at 5:30 PM.

I’ll be checking this show out early this evening, as I do a limited version of the monthly Art Walk downtown.  I can’t wait to see what Chip Tatlinger has in store for this show.  Some of my early artistic influences were the 1960s psychedelic posters by Rick Griffin, Victor Moscoso and Jeff Bonivert.

By The Way…

…a switchover of computing systems here at The PopCult Mansion meant that there was no Monday Morning Art this week.  Sorry if you were staring at the page hitting “reload” every two minutes since Monday.

Sunday Evening Videos: Pepperland Revisited

“Requiem For Pepperland” by Go Van Gogh, animated by Rudy Panucci:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

The above video may seem familiar to regular readers of PopCult.  It’s the video I created last year for Go Van Gogh’s “Yellow Submarine” inspired song, “Requiem For Pepperland.” I’ve been listening to a lot of Beatles lately, and had fun at Stephen Becker’s movie night in Elkview last night (Stephen wrote the song, and probably played all the instruments on this recording, which is a demo), so I thought I’d re-post the video I designed and animated for the Radio Free Charleston Beatle’s tribute show using Stphen’s 1989-vintage song.

After the jump, you’ll find more Beatles and Beatle-inspired goodness.

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Starting the Second Fifty: Radio Free Charleston 51 with Brain Trauma and Underdog Blues Revue

Episode 51 of Radio Free Charleston, “West Virginia State College Shirt,” is online now! This edition of the show features music by Brain Trauma and The Underdog Blues Revue, plus a Kitty Killton movie trailer and the debut of the Astonishing Finger Man!

Host segments were shot Friday at the Mound in South Charleston. We recorded these bits after the No Pants Players show, which was held down the street at the La Belle Theater, and we even enlisted a couple of passers-by to do our animation intro.

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Tuesday Morning Art: Rehashing

If today’s (one-day late) art looks familiar, that’s because I used it before.  Weekend computer woes forced me to repeat this image from a couple of years ago. It won’t be going up in the Monday Morning Art Store.  This is called “Shadowplay” and it’s a digitally-assaulted photograph taken about a block away from my house back in the early months of 2006.

Those same computer woes that I mentioned above delayed the new Radio Free Charleston, which I finished Sunday, but couldn’t encode until today.  So look for Radio Free Charleston 51, featuring music from Brain Trama and The Underdog Blues Revue, a trailer for the Kitty Killton movie, and the debut of the astonishing Finger Man, later this evening.

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