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That’s Ron and Nancy, in a speech specially edited and presented on Night Flight.
I’ve mentioned before that one of the major influences on Radio Free Charleston was an obscure show that used to run on the USA Network back in the 1980s. Night Flight was a collection of music, animation, comedy and mind-hurting weirdness that aired weekend nights from 11 PM to 5 AM. The show jumped the shark before most people discovered it. Originally they showed uncut cult movies with no commercial breaks and opened with a half-hour segment called “Take Off,” which featured original videos for the likes of Elvis Costello and The Stranglers produced by VideoWest in San Francisco.
After the first few months on the air, USA made the producers start editing the show, and they crowbarred-in commercials, but even watered-down, Night Flight was the hippest thing on TV. After the jump, you’ll see more examples of this classic TV all-nighter. See if any of it reminds you of RFC.
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