Your PopCulteer is in FestivALL recovery mode this week, so this edition of our weekly blog column is being dictated, stream of consciousness style, to his lovely secretary.
We’re going to cover as many topics as we can this week before it’s time to quit and watch “Louie” on FX. So let’s dive on in.
A Stunning Announcement
In the production notes for Radio Free Charleston 162, I promised that in this week’s PopCulteer I would make an announcement about next year’s special FestivALL episodes. Here it is: There aren’t going to be any.
Before you panic, allow me to explain. For the last three years, I have covered FestivALL extensively, bringing my loyal Radio Free Charleston viewers hours and hours of exclusive coverage of the art, music, dance, theatre, and other events. This year, instead of doing a gazillion short episodes, I decided to just do two really long ones. That worked out pretty well. I’m very proud of this year’s episodes. In fact, here they are again…
…Pretty cool, huh? So, you may be asking why aren’t I going to do FestivALL episodes next year?