The PopCulteer
September 30, 2011
You may have noticed that your PopCulteer is way behind schedule with his promised reviews of DC Comics New 52. There is a reason for that. Reading and reviewing comics is not quite as much the fun job that I thought it would be.
Let me explain.
I love reading comics, and I love rambling on about comic books. However when I took on the duty of reviewing DC’s new 52, that meant that I’d be reviewing comic books that I would not normally waste my time reading. Frankly, some of the new DC Comics first issues are really bad, for a variety of reasons. We have 22 of DC’s New 52 left to examine, and today we’re going to go all negative and focus on three of the stinkers.
Virtually Porn
Note that this is not “virtual” porn, but virtually porn. DC has released a few titles that might as well be porno comics. There has been a pretty huge outcry on the internet about two of last week’s titles, Catwoman and Red Hood and the Outlaws, but there’s a candidate for the worst sexploitation comic of the New 52 in this week’s releases, too. So let’s take a good look at some of the more twisted bits of chaff, shall we?
Catwoman #1
by Judd Winnick and Guillem March
This book is written by Judd Winnick, so we know right off the bat that it’s going to be garbage, but cracking it open still reveals a pretty awful experience. The first three pages of the book are nothing more than close-ups of a half-dressed Catwoman running. The close-ups are of her boobs and butt. We don’t see her face until page three. It’s easy to figure out why the artist took a character who is already wearing a costume that is essentially latex bondage gear, and decided to have the top unzipped so that her bra is exposed during a chase scene, but it’s still so blatant that it catches you off guard.
To be fair, the artist does a competent job of copying poses from porn and swimsuit mags, and then drawing what little there is of Catwoman’s outfit on them. Continue reading