Today Monday Morning Art looks at “Tales of Wild Adventure,” my contribution to The East End Main Street Streetworks 2013 Public Art initiative. You will soon be seeing a round version of this art, based on crazy stories I’d heard late nights at The Empty Glass, on a lamp post along Washington Street in Charleston’s Historic East End. You can click the above piece to see it bigger.
This was my fourth year as a participating artist, and it’s always an honor. We had a blast at the auction, as always, thanks in large part to the auctioneering antics of Ted Brightwell, seen below.
For the first time, my piece didn’t sell. I’m not heartbroken by this (largely due to several offers to buy it from people who couldn’t attend the auction). Besides, it’s a fun piece, but who would want to look at that in their house every day?
Actually, I’m pretty proud of the company I’m in, since several real Charleston artist’s work didn’t sell either. I think it’s fair to say that the competition from other FestivAll events like the premiere of “Angel’s Perch” and the Charleston Light Opera Guild production of “The Civil War” siphoned off some some of Charleston’s more well-monied art patrons. That’s the price we pay for having an embarrassment of cultural riches in town.
It was still a great night and the artists helped raise a lot of money for East End Main Street, which is what this was all about. After the jump there are a few more photos from last night.
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