Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Month: June 2013 (Page 1 of 3)

Sunday Evening Video: The Turtles

Tonight we’re looking at a couple of songs by The Turtles. A few weeks ago I reviewed the book, “Shell Shocked: My life with the Turtles, Flo & Eddie, and Frank Zappa, etc.” by Howard Kaylan, the lead singer of The Turtles, with Jeff Tamarkin.

It reminded me how good this psychedelic pop band from California was, so tonight we’re bringing you a couple of their hits. Enjoy.

Ladybeard, Aquabats, Roman Love and More…

The PopCulteer
June 28, 2013

This is the second weekend of FestivAll, and even though your PopCulteer is laying low this year, that’s no reason that you shouldn’t run out and indulge in all the artsy wonderments.

I will be attending the Charleston premiere of “Ladybeard” tonight at Uncork and Create (more on that below), but my weekend will be eaten up taking care of my elderly uncle while his other caregivers are out of the country, with a couple of breaks so that I can watch The Aquabats Super Show and put together the seventh anniversary episode of Radio Free Charleston.

But let’s get into the PopCulteering, shall we?


Tonight at 10 PM your PopCulteer will head out to Uncork and Create, 1033 Quarrier Street, for the Charleston premiere of “Ladybeard.” I appear in a small role in this film, but you shouldn’t let that discourage you from coming. The rest of it is very good. It’s a romantic comedy about lesbians, fake heterosexuals, real heterosexuals, gay marriage and the desperate actions of a confused man in love with a gay woman.

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The PopCult Toybox: Marx Convention Photos

Last weekend your PopCulteer and his Radio Free Charleston entourage of Melanie Larch and Lee Harrah paid a hit and run visit to the final day of the Marx Toy Convention held at the Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum in Wheeling.

You may recall that just a couple weeks ago, we were at that same Toy & Train Museum in Wheeling for MEGO Meet. Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum is a wonderful, wonderful place, a very cool day trip, and the subject of at least two more upcoming photo essays here in the PopCult Toybox.

Despite spending less than two hours basking in the wonderfulness of the Marx toy vendors, your PopCulteer came away with several wonderful items, having spent way the heck too much money. What follows are some choice photos of the goodies available for sale and some of the folks selling them.

I missed the FestivALL Art Parade this year in order to go to the Marx Toy Convention, and I can’t claim any regrets. Just look at this cool stuff. We’re kicking it off with the Johnny West stuff, because that’s my main reason for going.

Just in case you somehow manage to miss the marquee (seen above), look for this bright yellow caboose in the parking lot.

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Monday Morning Art: Tales of Wild Adventure at The Streetworks Auction

Today Monday Morning Art looks at “Tales of Wild Adventure,” my contribution to The East End Main Street Streetworks 2013 Public Art initiative.  You will soon be seeing a round version of this art, based on crazy stories I’d heard late nights at The Empty Glass, on a lamp post along Washington Street in Charleston’s Historic East End. You can click the above piece to see it bigger.

This was my fourth year as a participating artist, and it’s always an honor. We had a blast at the auction, as always, thanks in large part to the auctioneering antics of Ted Brightwell, seen below.

For the first time, my piece didn’t sell. I’m not heartbroken by this (largely due to several offers to buy it from people who couldn’t attend the auction). Besides, it’s a fun piece, but who would want to look at that in their house every day?

Actually, I’m pretty proud of the company I’m in, since several real Charleston artist’s work didn’t sell either. I think it’s fair to say that the competition from other FestivAll events like the premiere of “Angel’s Perch” and the Charleston Light Opera Guild production of “The Civil War” siphoned off some some of Charleston’s more well-monied art patrons. That’s the price we pay for having an embarrassment of cultural riches in town.

It was still a great night and the artists helped raise a lot of money for East End Main Street, which is what this was all about. After the jump there are a few more photos from last night.

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Sunday Evening Video: Art and History Parade

We have our first video from the FestivAll Art and Hisotry parade!  it comes to us courtesy of Steven Allen Adams, the Constituent Outreach Specialist at West Virginia State Senate, who is also a friend and a contributor to Radio Free Charleston. Check out Steve’s blog for more local coolness.

We will gladly post more videos of the parade as they get uploaded and we become aware of them. Let us ,know of any in the comments.

Taking A Break From FestivAll

The PopCulteer
June 21, 2013

Okay, if you remember way back to last year, then you know this year your PopCulteer is not going to go full-out in his coverage of FestivAll. There’s no dark reason or anything negative. It’s just that, after producing over six hours of video and devoting thousands of words to FestivAll over the last three years, I wanted to take a year off to A) avoid getting burned out and B) do some other things that I’ve missed in order to record FestivAll events.

The plan is to return next year, rested, relaxed and ready to throw myself into the tenth edition of FestivAll with my usual masochistic obsessiveness.

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George Liquor and Jimmy run wild in Spümcø Comic Book

The PopCult Bookshelf 

John K Presents Spümcø Comic Book
by John Kricfalusi, et al
Edited by Craig Yoe
Yoe Books/IDW
ISBN-13: 978-1613774908

Spümcø Comic Book is a most unusual collection. First of all, it collects two of the terrific oversized comic books that John Kricfalusi produced during the post-Ren and Stimpy era in the mid 1990s. These are great comic books with work by Kricfalusi, Jim Smith, Vincent Waller, Mike Fontanelli, Shane Glines and Rich Pursel, and they are ridiculously valuable due to low availability.

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The PoopCult Toybox

Good clean wholesome fun!

If you’ve been reading PopCult the last few months, you know that every Tuesday I give you the straight poop on toys. Well this week’s a little different, because I’m giving you the straight poop on toy poop.

A recent trip to a fine out of town novelty chain called Five Below revealed that there is apparently a new genre of toy…the poop-based plaything. Apparently after years of playing with crappy toys, now kids just want to play with crap.

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