Wrapping up our week’s worth of clips from last Saturday’s Radio Free Charleston Retrospective/Jam Session is my old friend, Stephen Beckner, with his original tune, “Those Eyes.”
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/No7vwNhrGKA" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Fans of both the radio and the internet incarnations of Radio Free Charleston will be familiar with Stephen. Back in the radio days, he was part of Go Van Gogh, one of the area’s hottest bands, and his songs were among the most requested by our listeners. Fast forward to the internet era, and Stephen has been a contributor to RFC since the second episode, where he appeared as a solo performer. He’s also been on our video show as an animator, filmmaker, and a member of Go Van Gogh, and we have some pretty nifty stuff up our sleeve for the future, too.
Stephen is also an accomplished photographer. You can check out his photo blog, here.
Next week in PopCult, we finally get around to covering the cool toys and you can also look forward to the third annual PopCult Gift Guide, this year with a real “last-minute” feel!