[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/u5sMlR9aM3s" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
We’re taking a break from re-posting classic episodes of Radio Free Charleston this week to bring you some clips from “The Wrong Door,” a surreal sktch comedy show from BBC 3 which is currently running Tuesday nights at 10 PM on IFC, The striking feature of this program is the movie-quality CGI effects that bring the twisted humor to life. Above you see “The Booze Fairies.” After the jump you can check out more clips, some of them not necessarily work-safe, from the show’s six-episode run.
Month: February 2010 (Page 1 of 2)
The PopCulteer
February 26, 2010
This week in The PopCulteer we’re going to veer willy-nilly around the Internets with 20 totally random items, jokes, videos, photos or links. We did this once before, and at the time thought it would become a monthly feature, but this is just the second time that we’ve been caught with no major topic to address. So here goes.
1) The Bluegrass Kitchen
I’ve never had anything less than a wonderful dining experience at The BlueGrass Kitchen, on the East End, within sight of the State Capitol The service is always top-notch, and the food is amazing. Everything on the menu that I’ve tried has been fantastic. The specials are well worth gambling on, and the regular menu has some real winners on it.
Radio Free Charleston 94, “Star Wars Shirt” should be floating right up there above this text. (if it isn’t, click here). This very special episode features music from Byzantine, The Pistol Whippers and Adrian DeQuiros. There are also promotional announcements for The East End Pet Food Pantry and The Chemical Valley Rollergirls. Lastly we have animation by your humble PopCulteer.
Coincidentally, each of the musical performances on the show this week were shot with a single camera. I only mention this because it’s possible that you might not have noticed otherwise. Normally we do multiple-camera shoots on RFC, but this time we just happened to have three great one-camera clips.
Today’s humble example of internet art is “A Half-Hearted Attempt At Religious Iconography,” which is a pretty descriptive title. I figured it might be appropriate, since we’re in some sort of religiously significant part of the year, or so I am told by people who keep track of that sort of thing. Click the image to see a bigger version.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf" width="430" height="346" fvars="m=102733299;type=video" wmode="transparent" /]
Tonight’s video is a re-presentation of episode 71 of Radio Free Charleston. We’re bringing this one back because the headliners, WATT4, are hosting the jam session this Monday Night at The Empty Glass, and they’re promising a couple of new tunes. The RFC cameras will be on hand there as well. Also on this show from May 2009 is Hitchock Circus and Mark Beckner, A Plant Ro Duction Mini Movie and a special appearance from Mad Man Pondo and his buddy, Oderus Urungus, from GWAR.Click the link for the original production notes. And follow this link if the show is not at the top of this post where it’s supposed to be.
The PopCulteer
February 19, 2010
Reports Of The Charleston Music Scene Being “Dead” Are Greatly Exaggerated
A couple of weeks ago, I read something in the Gazette that irked me. It was in one of Sandy Well’s excellent “Innerviews.” The subject was Jo Loyd, a local legend as the drummer for Stratus and other bands, and well-known deejay and champion of Pac Man. In the middle of this great interview, Jo blurted out something that I’ve been hearing for years.
He said, of the Charleston music scene, “There’s not much live music around anymore.”
[kml_flashembed movie="http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf" width="430" height="346" fvars="m=102720450;type=video" wmode="transparent" /]
Our Sunday Evening Videos this week feature happy couples as our musical guests. Above you see episode 63, “Bauhaus Shirt,” which was shot at the then-house of happy couple #1, Sean Richardson and Karen Allen, also known as Tofujitsu. This was the week after I featured the band on the show, but introduced the wrong song. They’re seen here performing “Clap On, Clap Off.” You’ll also see Stephen Beckner, and a band featuring another happy couple, The ButtonFlies. An added bonus, Super Bowl runner-up punter, Pat McAfee shows up to endorse RFC.
After the jump, you’ll get to see episode 60 featuring Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen (Jonathan Slack and Laura Summerhill), and episode 65, featuring Barebones, a group which includes Rebecca and Bill Kimmons. Click on the episode numbers for the original production notes. Episode 60 was our Valentine to Taylor Books, and also includes Joseph Henry (Hale) and John Radcliff. Episode 65 includes the short film “Footlucy” starring the late Joe McComas.
The PopCulteer
February 12, 2010
Vinyl Solutions For Manna Meal
St. John’s Episcopal Church was the scene for the All Vinyl Dance Party and Art Auction held to benefit Manna Meal last Saturday evening. Despite being delayed for a week due to the snow, the fundraiser was a huge success.
DeeJays Mark Davis and John Nelson spun the tunes, and it was great seeing tons of friends from the Charleston art and music scene. Manna Meal is, of course, a great cause, feeding people in need. If you’d like to get involved, contact them at 304-345-7121.
After the jump you’ll see a few more shots of the dancing, along with a sampling of the art on display.
At the head of this post you should see the latest episode of Radio Free Charleston, “Tofujitsu Shirt.” If it’s not there, check this link. This week’s show features a vintage video of Strawfyssh, from 1991, a music video for The Scrap Iron Pickers set to 95-year-old animation by pioneering cartoonist, Winsor McCay, and a moody video of Melanie Larch singing an acapella version of the classic tune, “Summertime.”
You’ll also believe that a pig can cuss, and you’ll get to see an animated re-telling of Andy Dick‘s recent misadventures in Huntington.
A special guest voice performer provides the voice of Andy Dick in this photo-realistic dramatic recreation. Read on to find out who it is.