The classic WEst Virginia Horror movie, “Chillers,” has made the transition into graphic novel form, and tonight, Director/Creator Danny Boyd, along with contributing authors William (Bill) Bitner and Jason Pell, plus Bus Driver Peterr Jesus (Norman Jordan, seen above with Danny in a photo swiped from Facebook), “Chillers”Graphic Novel Cover Girl Erica Martin and more associated folks from the movie and graphic novel will appear at Lost Legion Games and Comics the Rifleman, 600 D Street, South Charleston, for The CHILLERS Graphic Novel Launch Party! The fun kicks off at 5: PM and at 8 PM moves around the corner to Mojjo’s Bar, on Seventh Avenue.
The CHILLERS Graphic Novel is based on the fondly-remembered 1988 Troma film written and directed by Daniel Boyd. This is the first graphic novel to be released in the anthology series by Transfuzion Publishing. The book features eleven horrifying tales narrated by passengers riding a bus to Babylon and how they “earned” their seat on the bus. These are short, horroific morality tales, presented in glorious black and white, just like the classic stories from “Creepy” and “Eerie” magazines, back in the day.It’s a fun collection of short horror comics, and a fun readl.
This graphic novel ties in with the soon-to-be re-release of the moviie on DVD, and the hard copy release of Canadian punk rocker Buddy Black’s “Chillers” tribute EP, “Wirchfinger.” There will be copkes of the graphic novel, hot off the press from publisher, Tranzfusion, so you can get some of the first copies availalble to the public, and get them signed by authors and cast moembers. If you can’t make it to tnight’s launch party/book signing, keep watching PopCult for news of a screening of the movie, along with a show by Buddy Black, during FestivAll.
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