Let’s just say…hypothetically…that a blogger wants to take the weekend off to celebrate his birthday without having to write something every single day, which he has been doing for nearly three years now. And let’s assume that he has the option of posting items several days in advance so that his readers can have something new to look at if he needs a day off.
We can continue to speculate that this blogger, who maybe does a weekly feature where he showcases his own artwork, maybe doesn’t have any new art to drop into the blog to cover that feature the next week. Yet, because of his streak of consecutive days posting content, he doesn’t want to skip a day, particularly a day with an art feature that he’s kept going for ten years.
Further speculation may lead us to assume that he picks up his mouse late on a Thursday evening, and drawing with said mouse, creates a semi-abstract digital painting of a barbarian crossing a bridge over some hell-like place in about fifteen minutes.
But that’s all hypothetical. Click to enlarge.
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