RFCI 015
Thursday at midnight, with replays Friday at 10 PM and Saturday morning at 11, tune in for an all-new edition of Radio Free Charleston International, as we bring you a crazy two-hour mix of wild music that no other radio station would dare to program.
Tune in to the AIRadio website, or listen to the show on this handy little radio-player widget…
This week we open with an hour of brand-new music from folks like Bob Dylan, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ben Harper and Corinne Bailey Rae. That’s followed by an hour of cool tracks and deep cuts by artists like King Crimson, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Frank Zappa, Astor Piazolla and Prince.
Just check out this crazy playlist…
Bob Dylan “That Old Black Magic”
Corinne Bailey Rae “Ice Cream Colours”
Radiohead “Burn The Witch”
Billy Sherwood “Breaking The Cycle”
John Frusciante “Foreglow”
Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals “When Sex Was Dirty”
Rome “Broken”
Oscar “Breaking My Phone”
Cross and Quinn “For Someone”
Future Idiots “Miss Summer”
Razor Red Noise “Reboot”
Nadia Nair “Beautiful Poetry”
Red Hot Chili Peppers “Dark Necessities”
King Crimson “Elephant Talk”
Emerson Lake and Palmer “Pictures at an Exhibition”
The Zombies “Care of Cell 44”
Blue Oyster Cult “Veteran of the Psychic Wars”
Frank Zappa “Stairway To Heaven”
Astor Piazolla “Violentango”
Joe Jackson “Soul Kiss”
Prince “America”
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