This week’s RFC MINI SHOW is a special Sepia solo showcase for Andrew Hellblinki. The Hellblinki Sextet first appeared on Radio Free Charleston way back on episode 49, back in 2008. They were the first out-of-town band we featured on the show.
Now Hellblinki has a new album nearly finished, and Andrew is undertaking a solo tour and a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds to manufacture the new album, Hellblinki “Multitudes,” which is the newest batch of Hellblinki songs recorded by the full band and loads of guest musicans. As we post this episode, there’s a little more than two weeks left in the Hellblinki Kickstarter campaign and the rewards range from a download of the entire album for a dollar, to all kinds of bonuses like CD and vinyl copies of the album, jewelry and house shows at the higher incentives.
You can find out more about the Kickstarter campaign for “Multitudes” here…
A special editorial note: In May, 2014, I suddenly realized that this was the second consecutive RFC MINI SHOW to be numbered “seven.” The video is now retitled “RFC MINI SHOW number seven 2.0.”
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