This year I made three (and a half) holiday videos for readers of this blog.

My main motivation was to give you some fresh video content to watch while I was in Chicago earlier this month.  Then I made a really short video to go with our Christmas Tree photo essay last Friday.

Since we are just three days out from the big day, how about I collect all four videos in this post, for your enjoyment, and for the whole concept of “less work for me.”

Our first video is a return visit to Sir Troy’s Toy Kingdom, in Canton, Ohio, with music by Clownhole…

Next up, we have our look at Charleston’s Light The Night light show at Go Mart Park.  The music on this one is Mel Larch and Mark Scarpelli taking on a Vince Guaraldi classic…

Our last big video is a not-safe-for-work video travelogue, wherein your humble blogger wanders through the Spirit Christmas Store in Erie, Pennsylvania for about fifteen minutes, making snarky comments (many of them off-color) while shakily shooting video of the massive holiday retail overload. This one is longer, and not safe for work, school, or virginal ears…

And for the heck of it, here’s another look at PopCult’s Disco Christmas Tree!  Merry Christmas, folks!

And since you made it this far, it’s only fair to reward you with the news that Christmas programming will begin running on The AIR Sunday at 7 AM until Thursday night, with interruptions for The Swing Shift Marathon and Tuesday’s new Radio Free Charleston. You can hear these shows on The AIR website, or just click on the embedded player found elsewhere on this page.