This week we flashback to a huge milestone, our one-hundredth episode, from May, 2010. This edition of the show, titled “M.C.Escher Shirt,” was, at that time, our longest show, with the most bands. It featured the RFC debut of The Nanker Phelge, the second appearance of Eva Elution, local superstar Jeff Ellis, the return of Hellblinki Sextet and the kickoff to “Stark Charleston,” an animated travelogue project I’d started with music by David Synn.
My co-host for this show was my imaginary daughter, Kitty Killton. We shot host segments at Top O Rock, which was in pretty derelict condition at the time, but at least it was still standing, which is no longer the case…dammit.
Who woulda thunk we’d still be doing Radio Free Charleston as a weekly radio show and annual video show fourteen years later?
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