RFC 102 "FestivAll 2010 Pt. One" from Rudy Panucci on Vimeo.

I hope you enjoy FestivALL, because for the next several weeks you’re going to see a string of episodes of Radio Free Charleston that I somehow managed to crank out on a more than  twice-weekly basis starting in June, 2010.

In this episode you will hear music by Smoke and Mirrors, The Spurgie Hankins Band, The Nanker Phelge, The Kanawha Kordsmen and The Bob Thompson Unit, and you’ll see and hear FestivAll events like the Buswater art exhibit, The Art Parade, The shows at LiveMix Studio, music from Haddad Riverfront Park and The East End Main Street Streetworks Art Auction.

These shows are meant to be self-explanatory, so the production notes were kept to a minimum. I think we wound up with six or seven parts of our FestivALL 2010 coverage…all of it pretty amazing.