Plutonian Burrito, a duo consisting of Charles Pagano and Scott Bazar, bring their Outsider Music to The Empty Glass. This episode of The RFC MINI SHOW presents an excerpt of their avant-garde improvised soundtrack music.
With a background in FREE PLAYING thanks to the Woodstock, NY scene, Creative Music Studio, Charles Pagano (DRUMS/PERC) is a mostly self-taught drummer & composer. His own music is very film score-ish.
Scott Bazar played with The Negro Problem/Stew, Beck, Kevin Ayers, Larry Willis, Enrico Rava, James Emery (String Trio of NY), Gene Bertoncini, Russell Kassoff, Giacomo Gates, Cedric Lawson, and Bobby Keys. He attended Creative Music Studio NY & studied with (& did workshops and/or concerts with) Dave Holland, Leo Smith, Oliver Lake, Ed Blackwell, Karl Berger, Bob Moses, Don Cherry. Bazar has recently filling in for Jabo Starks (James Brown) with the Red Bar Band.
Together they produce free-form experimental improvised noise-jazz. It’s quite a trip, but is best experienced live.
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