We have a cool new episode of RFC to help you deal with the hot weather Tuesday on The AIR.   Radio Free Charleston, is one-third new/two-third classic RFCI this week.  To listen to The AIR, you simply have to point your cursor over and tune in at the website, or you could just stay here, and  listen to the cool embedded player found elsewhere on this page.  

You can hear Radio Free Charleston Tuesdays at 10 AM and 10 PM, with tons of replays throughout the week.

Our first hour is all-instrumental music, and it opens with two great new wordless tunes from friends of mine named “Chuck.”

Our first Chuck is Chuck Van Hoorhis, AKA Sgt. Van. He’s a fellow GI Joe collector who has made some really cool and innovative replacement boxes, but he’s also a great musician and composer. And there’s a video for his latest song, which opens the show, and you can see it here…

The second song in the show is the latest musical project from The Maestro, Chuck Biel, and it also has an accompanying music video, which I am dropping right here…

Since I had two great instrumental tunes to open the show, I decided to make the whole first hour word-free (except for my incessant babbling) so we had a cool theme. You’ll hear wordless music from Guitarmy of One, Jim Lange, David Synn, John Lennon and more.

For our second and third hours, by popular demand (really), I brought the first episode of Radio Free Charleston International out of mothballs for a new airing. This is the free-format show that found itself folded back into Volume 5 of RFC at the beginning of 2020. People wanted to hear it again for some reason, and with me fighting deadlines, it made life easier all the way around.

Links in the artist’s names in the first hour of our playlist below will take you to a website where you can find our more about them and maybe buy their music. Check out the playlist…

RFC V5 185

hour one
Sgt. Van and The Highway Dogs “Bill’s Van (Radio Free Mix)”
Chuck Biel “TAMILDAA”
Basilic Swing “The Man of Mystery”
Jim Lange “Shiva’s Dance”
Guitarmy of One “Jack Lord of the Sea”
Daniel Glass and Rich Tozzoli “The Devil’s Wave”
John Lennon “Out The Blue”
David Synn “Jazz Hands”
Chicago Blues Lifters “Ari’s Riff”
Well Tempered Madness“FOMO”
Steve Marriott “They Call It Love”
Frank Panucci “Waste Snot”
The Residents “Dance With The Devil”
Spencer Elliott “There’s Something In The Airlock”
YES “Mood For Another Day”

hour two
The Beatles and Led Zepplin “Helter Skelter”
The Beetlevanias “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
The Rutles “Shangra La”
Chemical Beats “Welcome To The Black Parade”
Todd Rundgren “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
The Beatnix “Stairway To Heaven”
Be Bop Deluxe “Surreal Estate”
Kerry Livgren “Mask of the Great Deceiver”
The Buggles “Vermillion Sands”
Nightwish “The Heart Asks Pleasure First”

hour three
Ian Dury and the Blockheads “Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll”
Madness “One Step Beyond”
Lene Lovich “Lucky Number”
DEVO “Jocko Homo”
ELP “Benny The Bouncer
Franz Ferdinand/Sparks “Dictator’s Son”
David Bowie “Blackstar”
Transvision Vamp “Velveteen”
Jellyfish “Brighter Day”
Split Enz “Bullet Brain and Cactus Head”
Hazel O’Connor “Writing on the Wall”
Kate Bush “Suspended in Gaffa”

You can hear this episode of Radio Free Charleston Tuesday at 10 AM and 10 PM on The AIR, with replays Wednesday at 9 AM,  Thursday at 2 PM, Friday at 9 AM, Saturday at Noon and Midnight,  and  Monday at 11 AM, exclusively on The AIR. Now you can also hear a different classic episode of RFC every weekday at 5 PM, and we bring you a marathon all night long Saturday night/Sunday morning.

I’m also going to  embed a low-fi, mono version of this show right in this post, right here so you can listen on demand.


After RFC, stick around for encores of last week’s episodes of  MIRRORBALL at 1 PM and Curtain Call at 2 PM.

At 3 PM we give you an encore of two classic episodes of The Swing Shift.

 You can hear The Swing Shift Tuesday at 3 PM, with replays Wednesday at 8 AM, Friday at 10 AM and 8 PM and Saturday afternoon, only on The AIR . You can also hear all-night marathons, seven hours each, starting at Midnight Thursday and Sunday evenings.