Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Month: September 2011 (Page 2 of 2)

Sunday Evening Video: Mission Coalition Highlights

Above you see highlights from this weekend’s inagural edition of Mission Coalition.  Eleven bands over two nights brought firey heavy metal thunder to the Capitol City. Concert-goers were treated to performances by HarraH, The Suede Brothers, Linework, The Scrap Iron Pickers, The Number Six, Karma To Burn,  John Lancaster,Tomorrow Burns, Dead Face Down, Nuns On Fire,  and Saprogen with hysterical introductions by Chris Ojeda and Skip Cromer of Byzantine.

This is raw video and audio. Fully-produced version of entire songs will be seen in future episodes of Radio Free Charleston.

You can still get your hands on the Mission Coalition 2011 CD Sampler, along with T Shirts and stickers by visiting their website.

Metal On A Mission, Pepper In The Apple And More Comic Book Reviews

The PopCulteer
September 9, 2011

The Mission Begins Tonight!

Mission Coalition kicks off tonight. For all the details check out the following links:

Nick Harrah’s great interview with Roadblock in The Gazz this week.

My rundown of the metal festival from The PopCulteer last month.

The Mission Coalition website.

The production notes for this week’s episode of Radio Free Charleston.

And for good measure, this week’s RFC itself.

Now go see it.

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Cool Comics: The New 52, Week One

Due to the level of interest in last week’s PopCulteer, I’ve decided to do capsule reviews of all of the “New 52” DC Comics. Some of these, I’m really looking forward to reading, and some of them, well, I’m taking one for the team. I’m going to get through as many of these as I can today, with the remainder coming in tomorrow’s PopCulteer.

by Keith Giffen and Dan Didio with Scott Koblish

All right, I’m starting out with a guilty pleasure. I loved Jack Kirby’s original OMAC (One Man Army Corps), and I’ve been a fan of Keith Giffen, despite his tendency to borrow heavily from the work of other artists. Over the years Giffen has done some remarkable swipes from artists as varied as Neal Adams, José Antonio Muñoz, and the King Himself, Jack Kirby. It’s been confounding because Giffen is a gifted storyteller in his own right, and after going through his swipe phases, he’s managed to distill his influences into his work, usually improving with each foray into another artist’s work. Continue reading

Mission Coalition On RFC

At the head of this post you will find RFC 144, “Mission Coalition Shirt.”  This special episode of the show is devoted to this weekend’s big metal fest, to be held at The Sound Factory this weekend, September 9 and 10. You may remember that we wrote extensively about this show in the PopCulteer a couple of weeks ago.

On this edition of RFC you will find music videos by the Friday and Saturday night headliners, Karma To Burn and The Suede Brothers, plus a great video from Tomorrow Burns, and live performances from HarraH and The Scrap Iron Pickers.

Mission Coalition, Charleston’s first two-day metal fest will hold their first sonic onslaught with twelve bands spread over two nights. You will hear major acts like Karma to Brun and The Suede Brothers, plus local legends The Scrap Iron Pickers, Linework, HarraH, Saprogen, Tower of the Elephant, John Lancaster, Tomorrow Burns, The Number Six, Deadface Down and Nuns on Fire. Each night the show will start at 7:30 and last until well into the wee hours. Continue reading

Monday Morning Art: Untitled

I found this piece of art buried in a file folder that I rescued from my impaired laptop. I’m not sure what it was to be called or when I did it, but I like the way it looks, so now you get to see it. Click to see it even bigger. Back away from your computer to see it smaller.

Crisis On Earths Colliding At The End Of Time

The PopCulteer
September 2, 2011

Not So Cool Comics

You’ll have to indulge your PopCulteer this week as I put on my nerd helmet. I’ve kept quiet on the “big comic book story” this summer because I wanted to see how it played out. This week it has, and now I’m going to take a look at the hows and whys of the great DC Comics reboot.

For those of you who don’t follow comic books, DC Comics, one of the “big two” publishers, the home of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, decided to start over. They ended all their books, some of which had been running for more than 75 years, and are starting their core line over with 52 first issues, which will take all their heroes back to square one…sort of. Readers of books that are doing okay, like Batman and Green Lantern, will barely notice the change. Superman and Wonder Woman are getting drastic make-overs. Most of the heroes are getting redesigned costumes, ranging from minor tweaks to major changes.

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