Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Month: December 2011 (Page 3 of 3)

Sunday Evening Video: Improv At GW

This Thursday you can oin GW’s Improv Comedy Troupe “Batteries Not Included” for an evening of improvisational comedy! Admission is free, but donations are accepted. Starring Sabah Ahmed, Louis McQuade, Michael Tighe, Nathan Thomas, Caitlin Moore, Mariah Plante, Taylor Shaw, Austin Susman, Jacob McGloughlin, Madison Riffe, and Gabe Conley. Hosted by everyone’s favorite GW Freshman Honors English Teacher Adam “Crazy Legs” Jones!

It’s at George Washington High School from 6:30 Pm to 9:30 PM, and it’s your chance to check out some of the area’s best young talent, including several CYAC vets.


The PopCult Gift Guide Kicks Off, Plus WV Indie Filmmakers Fundraising

The PopCulteer
December 9, 2011

This week’s PopCulteer sees the beginning of our annual PopCult gift guide. For the next two weeks you can hit up this blog for a daily gift recommendation. We’ll point you to books, CDs, toys, and all sorts of bizarre novelty items, all designed to thrill and delight the Pop Culture devotee on your Christmas list. We’ve also got several local fundraising efforts to tell you about, so let’s get on with it…

The PopCult Gift Guide Day One:
Mail-Order Mysteries
by Kirk DeMarais

There are some people who believe that, when you die, every question that you’ve ever had in your life will be answered. Thanks to Kirk DeMarais you won’t have to wait that long for answers to some of the most pressing questions.

This book answers all of life's most important questions

Mail-Order Mysteries is a pretty comprehensive look at all the stuff they used to sell in cheesy ads in comic books. DeMarais has spent years scouring eBay to track down all the cheap, crappy toys, bodybuilding and karate books, rubber masks and other dubious wonders that were so tempting to kids who didn’t know any better way back then.

Of course, when you were a kid, you didn’t have enough money to send seven bucks in so that you could buy a Nuclear Submarine. Hell, it was tough to scrape up a dollar for a “Monster Size Monster.” If you asked your folks they’d tell you it was a rip-off and say “no.”

Admit it, since then you’ve been wondering. How different would your life have been if only you had a six-foot tall Frankenstein? Would ordering from the Johnson Smith catalog make you the coolest kid in school? Would you be wealthy now if you’d been able to get “1,001 Things Free?” Could you have taken a Sea Monkey to the prom? Continue reading

What A Weekend

The PopCulteer
December 2, 2011

A Monster Weekend Approacheth

I always hear people complain about how there’s nothing to do in Charleston. I think my new stock reaction to that statement will be a swift punch in the face. This weekend in particular, there are so many cool things going on in and around town that it would take a team of bloggers just to make a token appearance at all of them.

This is truly an embarrassment of riches for our smallish metropolis. This week’s PopCulteer is devoted to detailing three whirlwind days in Charleston, West Virginia.


The Contemporary Youth Arts Company will present the final weekend of its 15th annual production of the Scarpelli-Kehde rock opera MARY at 8 pm Friday and Saturday at the WVSU Capitol Center, 123 Summers Street, Charleston. Continue reading

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