Above you have something to indeed be thankful for this holiday season. It’s an early gift for you.  After more than 30 years of dormancy, the band, Clownhole, have emerged from their…well, clown hole…to once again grace us with some of the heavenly and divine manic punk music. As a teaser for a new EP coming in a few weeks, they have released a studio recording of their live holiday classic, “Fa-La-La-La…Deck The Halls.”

Some of you may remember a bootleg-quality video of a 1989 performance of this song from the very first RFC Christmas Video episode back in 2006.  It’s an honor to premiere this new recording here, and to feature it as the first song on Friday’s RFC Black Friday Christmas Special on The AIR.  I’m going to turn it over to Clownhole’s official press release for the rest of this post…

From a small town in the heart of Appalachia, the band Clownhole rocked West Virginia’s coalfields throughout the late ‘80’s.

Was it grunge before grunge hit Seattle? Is it punk-rock-meets-performance-art? Perhaps it was all a big, musical joke on the audience – what other band would start a show with a fog machine erupting from a giant clown’s ass?

Either way, their unorthodox but upbeat jams had fans throughout Appalachia jumping on stage (and diving off, naturally). An eclectic mix of power-driven tunes with original lyrics, combined with theme-songs from vintage TV – this was Clownhole in 1988 Charleston.

When a lost videotape of a live performance recently resurfaced, all original band members (each having moved across the U.S. following the band’s separation in the ‘90’s) reunited to bring you the ultimate jest – a Christmas album just in time for the holidays.

Santa’s come early this year – Clownhole’s “Fa-La-La-La…Deck The Halls” begins streaming Wednesday, November 22nd on Spotify, iTunes, BandCamp, and other platforms. Your parents might not have approved, but their kids will love it – don’t forget your ear-plugs.”