Halloween is over and as we begin our march toward the end of the year, The AIR will revert to a new normal schedule for a few weeks. You can listen at the website, or on this familiar little embedded player…
We’ve made a few changes. Live From The Empty Glass changes into The Empty Glass Presents, and moves from Thursday at 10 PM to Sunday at 10 PM. Our Monday evening talk shows make way for new programming, and some of them will also relocate to Sunday evening. The Real with Mark Wolfe moves to Thursday at 10 PM (and also Friday at 10 AM), and will be followed on Thursday by The Comedy Vault at 11 PM.
We’ll be making some other moves in the coming weeks, and we also plan a marathon of The Swing Shift on November 13, and an extended marathon of The (BS) Crazy Show on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. After Thanksgiving, expect a lot of special holiday programming. During all this, some of our regular shows may take a brief hiatus from producing new episodes while your PopCulteer dives headfirst into compiling the 2017 PopCult Gift Guide.
Meanwhile, you can keep track of things with this embedded schedule. Ain’t that nifty?
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