I had my annual dilated eye exam Monday (about three hours before I’m writing this), and looking at the computer monitor feels like staring into the sun.
That means that today you get this brief reminder that all day Tuesday on The AIR, running until Wednesday morning at 7 AM, we are bringing you a marathon of some of the best episodes of Radio Free Charleston from the last half of 2024.
The main reason is, I usually record the show on Monday, but at the moment doing so would feel like smacking my eyes with a ballpeen hammer for a few hours.
Since we are in a marathon-y mood, Wednesday will bring you two more Air Music Specialty show marathons of the best of 2024. From 7 AM to 7 PM, you can hear yours truly host Beatles Blast, devoted to the fabbest of four, The Beatles. Then at 7 PM, and running overnight until 9 AM Thursday, it’s Curtain Call, hosted by my lovely wife and chauffeur for Monday, Mel Larch. This is, of course, Mel’s long-running survey of the best musical theatre on the planet.
With any luck, we’ll be able to return to form here in the blog tomorrow with a new edition of STUFF TO DO.
BTW, our above-the-headline feature image today is what it looks like to me glancing out the front door right now.
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