Okay, so your PopCulteer spent the last few days having lots of fun in and around Louisville, Kentucky, even though Maysthena Gravis is still making his hands as useful as flippers. I’ll tell you all about that, with photos and video, starting on Wednesday.
Just like with last week, I did not create any real-world art this week. I did try to draw some stuff on my phone with a stylus, but that didn’t work out too well. What you see above is 100% digital, created by pushing around a mouse and hitting keys. It’s another one of my geometric abstracts, which, to be honest, I can pretty much knock out in my sleep after doing them for close to twenty years. This one was created by overlaying conectric circles and radial bursts, then colorizing them and ramping up the color.
Click to see it bigger.
Meanwhile, Monday at on The AIR, this week our Haversham Recording Institute friends are still busy providing translation services for The Olympics. We will be running encore plays of recent episodes of Prognosis, Psychedelic Shack and Sydney’s Big Electric Cat for the next few weeks. This afternoon you can hear Nigel Pye’s Psychedelic Shack at 2 PM and Herman Linte with Prognosis at 3 PM.
At 7 PM tune in for 12 hours of the best of Curtain Call, hosted by Mel Larch.
You can listen to The AIR at the website, or on the embedded radio player at the top of the right-hand column of this blog.
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