The PopCulteer
November 3, 2023

We have one last Halloween treat for you before we pack up and put away the skeletons and monsters (I’m kidding here, we never really pack up that stuff).  On Halloween itself Charleston native Ann Magnuson (have I mentioned that she’s an artistic hero of mine?) released a music video for her single, “Ghost Cat.” This is the song that opened last week’s episode of Radio Free Charleston.

It’s a cool song that she performed last year at her Surruralism show, and she talked about it when we were both on Josh Gaffin’s Afternoon Show on Status Quo. She’d been working down to the wire to get it out in time for All Hallow’s Eve, and she just did manage to sneak it in.

I would’ve shared it here on Halloween, but your PopCulteer was neck-deep in preparation for The 2024 PopCult Gift Guide, along with other pressing issues, so I didn’t even get a chance to watch it until the day was almost over.

However, “Ghost Cat” has a cool, spooky, timeless quality that transcends Halloween and celebrates the long legacy of Appalachian Mystic Weirdness. So you can watch it any time you want. I may even repost it here on Christmas and Easter. Check it out…

Now that youv’e see it, visit Ann’s Store for cool Ghost Cat stickers and patches (and lots of other cool things) and then hit up her Bandcamp page (this post goes live on Bandcamp Friday, when the artist gets all of the money while Bandcamp doesn’t take a cut) and download the song as well as her other albums.


We have a short list of suggestions this week as many people seem to be partied out following Halloween, The World Series ending and the coming time change, so let’s get into the truncated list of events and shenanigans, shall we?

As I have been doing of late, this a good time to remind you that THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE LIST OF EVENTS.  It’s just a starting point, so don’t expect anything comprehensive, and if you feel strongly about me leaving anything out, feel free to mention it in the comments.

Live Music is back at Taylor Books. There is no cover charge, and shows start at 7:30 PM.  Friday a four-piece acoustic band with great haroinies, Wound Tight, takes the stage. Saturday Brandon Costello performs at the beloved bookstore/cafe/art gallery.

The World Famous Empty Glass Cafe has some great stuff this week  to tell you about.  Friday Tim Courts plays during happy hour.  Friday at 10 PM, Hurl Brickbat invades the Glass with their progressive sound. We have graphics below for the rest of the weekend shows at The Glass.

There is a killer drag show in Dunbar at Live at the Shop Saturday at 7:30 PM, as the East End Ghouls join nationally-recognized Billboard-charting artist, Flamy Grant, for an evening of wild Bible-belt music, drag, dancing, music and fun.

Please remember that the pandemic is not over yet. It’s still a going concern with the ‘rona surging again. And now there are seasonal allergies, the flu, paramilitary Turkeys out for revenge, trick-or-treaters who forgot to go home, dangling participles and other damned good reasons to be careful. Many people who have very good reasons are still wearing masks, and many of us, understandably, are still nervous about being in crowds, masked or not. Be kind and understanding  while you’re out.

Keep in mind that all shows are subject to change or be cancelled at the last minute. Sometimes I think they just do it to mess with me.

If you’re up for going out, here are a few suggestions for the weekend, roughly in order, after the jump…

That’s it for this week’s PopCulteer, check back for all our regular features, with fresh content, every day. Also, remember that the The 2024 PopCult Gift Guide is underway, with gift ideas every day until the day before Thanksgiving.