Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

Charleston Area Bloggers

I had a lot of fun last week at the meeting of the Charleston Area Bloggers, at Rick Lee’s studio on the West Side. It’s great to get to put faces to the names on the local blogs. They meet the first Friday of every month, and I’ll post details here on the next meeting as the plans are finalized. Any local blogger, or prospective blogger, is welcome to attend.

It was a kick seeing Rick’s studio, and over at his blog, you can see the first photos of me ever published on the internet–at least the first photos where I don’t have robotic spider legs. Aside from the frightening sight of me, you ought to check Rick’s blog for his terrific photography. The guy’s a real artist.

I also got to meet two other photo bloggers who do great work: Shane Evans, who does Through The Lens; and Scott Mitchell who’s behind the Entropy blog. It was also great to meet Robin S., the man who does One Stack Mind. Bob Coffield maintains the Health Care Law Blog, and is one of the deans of the local blogging community. Bob was just brimming with cool ideas and advice, and as I was leaving, he and Rick were helping set up Dale Morton, a Hurricane-based designer of way cool mascot outfits, with his own blog, which quickly got added to my everyday list.

I’m already looking forward to the next meeting, and hoping that my schedule will allow me to attend. I know that there are several other area bloggers that didn’t make this get-together, so it’d be great to get to meet more of the flesh-and-blood counterparts to Charleston area blogger-egos.


  1. Scott Mitchell

    Thanks for the link. I enjoyed the IWA update as well.

  2. Bob Coffield

    Enjoyed meeting and hope to see you again at one of the upcoming CAB events. One thing I enjoy about the group is that it is very eclectic with the commonality of blogging. Makes for some great discussion.

    By the way — I don’t know whether you had anything to do with it but I was able to auto-subscribe and add Pop Culture to Bloglines and pick up the RSS feed. I can’t do that with any other other Gazz blogs.

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