Wednesday afternoon The AIR brings you a new episode of Curtain Call featuring highlights of four recent Broadway musicals that had their runs cut short. You can tune in at the website, or on this embedded radio player…

There is a saying in the theatre–“the show must go on.” But sometimes, extraordinary circumstances keep that from happening. At this moment, theaters all over the world are dark due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s definitely a scary time for all of us, but the show DOES go on with Mel Larch’s Curtain Call on The AIR.

On this brand-new episode, debuting today at 3 PM EDT, Mel presents highlights from four shows that have had their runs cut short, been postponed or canceled outright. You will hear three tunes from the acclaimed off-Broadway hit, Emojiland, which takes place inside a smart phone; Three songs from the stage adaptation of Back To The Future, which just premiered in Manchester, England on February 20; Four songs from the off-Broadway show Hello Girls, about female soldiers in the Signal Corps during World War One; And the show wraps up with four songs from R.R.RED: A Secret Musical, which saw its brief run close late in 2018.

Mel wraps up the show with words on how the Coronavirus pandemic is affecting theatre companies all over the world, and how you may be able to help, just a little.

Curtain Call can be heard on The AIR Wednesday at 3 PM, with replays Thursday at 8 AM and 9 PM, Friday at 10 AM and Saturday at 6 PM. An all-night marathon of Curtain Call episodes can be heard Wednesday nights, beginning at Midnight, and an additional marathon can be heard Sunday evenings from 6 PM to midnight..