Your humble blogger had a really fun extended weekend running around the Northern part of West Virginia, but sadly that has left him a bit wiped out, so Tuesday on The AIR  I once again play Dr. Frankenstein and stitch together an episode of Radio Free Charleston volume 4 and Radio Free Charleston International to make a brand-new three hour episode of RFC V5. Both of the original shows are from February 2016, and neither has been heard by anyone for over five years.

It’s an interesting artifact, and it’s still jam-packed with three hours of great local and non-local music. You simply have to point your cursor over and tune in at the website, or you could just stay on this page, and  listen to the cool embedded player that you can find elsewhere on this page.

At 10 AM and 10 PM you can hear this compilation of RFC volume 4, episode 4 and RFC International episode 1. Instead of just running these shows back to back, I interwove them to seem more like the current format of the show and recorded a new intro explaining what’s going on.  Some of the announcing may seem a bit choppy as I excised irrelevant bits to slash four hours down to three. These shows were produced when The AIR was still using the “Appalachian Internet Radio” moniker.  So you’ll hear that a few times.  both shows were loaded with good music, and I think my monster of a playlist is pretty impressive now that, it’s alive….ALIVE!

Since I’m still in recovery mode, there are no links to the artist’s websites below. Feel free to use the Google, or search this blog, if you really, really want to find out more about the music on the show.

Just check out this playlist…

RFC V5 092

Under Surveillance “Savannah Moon”
Tape Age “Baby I’m Lost”
Ona “Sleep, Rinse, Repeat”
Blue Million “Adam Bit The Apple”
Ann Magnuson “Falling For An Actor”
Jordan Andrew Jefferson “The Party’s Over”
The Beatles and Led Zepplin “Helter Skelter”
The Beetlevanias “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
The Rutles “Shangra La”
Chemical Beats “Welcome To The Black Parade”
Todd Rundgren “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”
The Beatnix “Stairway To Heaven”
Mark Wolfe “The Valley Peaked”

hour two
Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen “Incomplete”
Sheldon Vance “Tonight We Sing”
Whistlepunk “Outshine”
Be Bop Deluxe “Surreal Estate”
Kerry Livgren “Mask of the Great Deceiver”
The Buggles “Vermillion Sands”
Nightwish “The Heart Asks Pleasure First”
Granny’s 12-Gauge “Step On The Gas”
Todd Burge “The Kids Are Getting Out Of Hand”
Stephanie Deskins “The Fall”
Time And Distance “Hell to pay”

hour three
Ian Dury and the Blockheads “Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll”
Madness “One Step Beyond”
Lene Lovich “Lucky Number”
DEVO “Jocko Homo”
ELP “Benny The Bouncer
Doktor Steamly “The Needle Goes In”
DEVO “Clockout”
J Marinelli “Lockdown Town”
The Company Stores “No Middle Name”
Mike Morningstar and Rick Roberts “Queen of Hearts”
Martyranny’s Collective Pulse “Banshee”
Wolfgang Parker “To Say You Love Me”
John Radcliff “Don’t Even Try”
Go Van Gogh “I Am The Walrus”
Hazel O’Connor “Writing on the Wall”
Kate Bush “Suspended in Gaffa”

You can hear this episode of Radio Free Charleston Tuesday at 10 AM and 10 PM on The AIR, with replays Wednesday at 9 AM,  Thursday at 3 PM, Friday at 9 AM, Saturday at Noon and Midnight,  and  Monday at 11 AM, exclusively on The AIR. Now you can also hear a different episode of RFC every weekday at 5 PM, and we bring you a marathon all night long Saturday night/Sunday morning.

I’m also going to  embed a low-fi, mono version of this show right in this post, right here so you can listen on demand.


After RFC, stick around for two hours of of MIRRORBALL at 1 PM. At 3 PM we have two recent episodes of The Swing Shift.  The plan for the rest of the week is for me to bring you photos and video from our trip, plus a very, very special new episode of MIRRORBALL on Friday.