graphic OTRDebut Week on Appalachian Independent Radio continues!  Wednesday at 1 PM, you can tune in and hear the debut of On The Road With Mel, a travel program written, hosted, and executive produced by the lovely Mrs. PopCulteer, Mel Larch.

In this lively half hour, Mel will share with you travel tips, helpful hints, preparation advice, and cool places you can go.  Mel enjoys travel and has years of experience as a meticulous trip planner to share with her listeners. Best of all, you can listen to Appalchian Independent Radio right here…

Fans of the show can also visit the On The Road With Mel Facebook page and Twitter stream so that they can interact, ask questions, and make suggestions for future episodes of the show.

On The Road With Mel can be heard every Wednesday at 1 PM on Appalachian Independent Radio.  You can catch a replay Saturday afternoon at 1 PM, part of a five hour block of General Substances programming which includes Radio Free Charleston, Radio Free Charleston International, and Word Association With Lee and Rudy.  We’ll tell you more about that later in the week.