WHCP, the plucky little TV station that bravely carries on, despite not having any technical proficiency, has signed on with the new network, The CW. This development thus ensures that area viewers will still get to see their favorite surviving UPN and WB programs — albeit not with a decent broadcast signal.
Despite having plenty of advanced notice, WHCP did not change their schedule to move last Saturday’s airing of “Friday Night Smackdown!” to another time. So, local viewers had to choose whether to watch “Smackdown!” or “Saturday Night Main Event”, a heavily-promoted WWE special that aired locally on WSAZ.
In related news, there are reports that Mark Hunt and the other investors in the failed WHCP newscast are going to try again in establishing a new, Charleston-based newscast, this time with a real TV station. If they can get this project off the ground, it’ll be interesting to see how good a newscast they can put on the air without the technical albatross that was the WHCP Portsmouth crew around their neck.
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