Actually, that tree is growing right at the base of the Empire State Building. This is a mixed media graphite pencil/oil pastel piece, with a bit of digital tweaking. I thought it looked cool to have that splash of color against so much urban gray. Except for the tree, the only color is on a banner showing the top of The Empire State Building, lit up in red, white and blue. I’m still mining that rich vein of images from NYC. I think there will be maybe one or two more of these before I move on to other artistic endeavors. So that means that our NYC-themed art will continue next week.
You can click the image to see it bigger.
Meanwhile, Monday on The AIR, this week we bring you a Monday Marathon of yours truly running wild on Radio Free Charleston International. That begins at 7 AM. The reason for choosing RFC International for the marathon this week is that there won’t be a new episode of the show this week due to a two-day marathon of Sydney’s Big Electric Cat. I’ll tell you about that on Thursday.
At 3 PM Herman Linte’s show, Prognosis, now holds court on Mondays. This week we bring you an encore of a recent program, since the Haversham crew are manning support positions for the international coverage of Wimbledon.
Prognosis will be followed by a classic episode at 5 PM, and then by replays of last week’s Psychedelic Shack at 7 PM, Radio Free Charleston at 8 PM and RFC International at 9 PM. Then at 11 PM we kick it back over to Prognosis, with an eight hour marathon of great progressive rock.
You can listen to The AIR at the website, or on this embedded radio player…
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