This week we have another digital painting. The unseasonably warm weather this past week, while really nice in some regards, has reversed much of my near-remission from Myasthenia Gravis, which usually comes as a bonus with colder weather. So holding a pen or brush has been difficult.

However, I can move a mouse around like a wizard, and I’m still able to grab a Sharpie and knock out a quick skyline to scan and then paint over digitally. And that’s exactly what I did here. 2021 is the first calendar year since I married Mel Larch that we did not get a chance to return to Chicago. I do miss the place we never stay long enough to hate, so I decided to do a twilight painting of The Windy City, with an impressionistic twilight sky to say “so long and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out” to 2021.

If you want to see this digital painting a bit bigger, just click on it.

We’ll be back with a post about The AIR‘s week-long programming stunt later this morning.