This week’s art started life as a loose charcoal pencil doodle, then I scanned it into the computer and painted it digitally to create a noirish nightscape of the city. As you can tell by the title, I’ve been doing this a lot lately. I’m trying to go for an Expressionistic style without relying on the stock brushes and filters that come built into my graphic programs and plug-ins. The end result, I think, manages to capture the look of a photograph fed through a series of filters, only with far more time and work spent on it. Maybe I need to rethink this approach. Click to see a bigger version.

Meanwhile, Monday on The AIR,  7 AM sees a mini-marathon of Live and Local. Over the course of eight hours you will hear live recordings of Matt McGuire (7 AM), Lancaster/Roberts?Browining( 8 AM), Hybrid Soul Project (9:40 AM), The Spurgie Hankins Band (10:45 AM), Travis Stephens (11: 30 AM) and Go Van Gogh (1:35 PM).  All times are Eastern, and all but Go Van Gogh were recorded at The Empty Glass. Then at 3 PM you can settle in for eight hours of great New Wave music with Sydney’s Big Electric Cat. At 11 PM you can spend you overnights with eight hours of the best Progressive Rock of the last half-century on Prognosis.  

You can listen to The AIR at the website, or on this embedded radio player…