

Your PopCulteer barely made it to any of this year’s FestivALL festivities. My new medicines don’t play well with sunlight, and despite that, I ventured out for an hour or so at the Capitol Street Art Fair on Saturday. I paid for it later that evening, but it was worth it to see some friends and watch as our city still managed to become a work of art in spite of the overhwelming somberness hanging over our region due to last week’s flooding.

I did manage to snage a nifty Photo of Charly Erb and Beth White, two FestivALL fixtures, who returned this year even though Charly is now battling ALS, which has caused hm to trade in his stilts for a motorized scooter. It was inspiring to see the man still doing what he loves, making people laugh. That photo became the basis of this digital painting. Click to enlarge.