

Soon, maybe even sooner than you think, your PopCulteer will once again be visiting the Windy City, Chicago. Above you see a digital painting I did recently based on the view from our hotel window on our last visit. I love trying out different approaches to depicting big-city skylines. I hope we get a view like this again. Click the image to see it larger.

Meanwhile, we are still in the midst of our annual holiday tradition here in PopCult, so today the 2017 PopCult Gift Guide continues. Be sure to check out all our unique gift suggestions. It’s going to run for quite some time, so bookmark this site and make a habit out of checking it regularly.

air-logo-b-0001While all this is going on, please remember that you can tune in and hear cool stuff on our internet radio station, The AIR.

You can listen at the website, or on this familiar little embedded player…

We’re bringing you more of the best independent radio that you’ll ever hear anywhere on our humble little internet station. Your PopCulteer is still a little preoccupied with the 2017 PopCult Gift Guide, but all week long you can still hear the coolest stuff in the world on The AIR, including a new episode of Life Speaks to Michele Zirkle on Wednesday, and special holiday music all week long. Take a gander at this ever-changing embedded schedule…