If you’ve been following our chronological trip through the video episodes of Radio Free Charleston, you probably noticed that we have had to skip over the final two of our four missing episodes. Someday I may be able to retrieve and restore them, but for now we’ll just jump ahead to September, 2009, for the second Beatles tribute show that we produced. This one features a lot of Rubber Soul, and it’s a little bittersweet to see our late friend, Mark Scarpelli, but it’s also great to see him healthy and playing the music he loved.

In this episode we bring you rehearsal footage of Charleston’s Beatles tribute band, Rubber Soul tackling a pair of Fab Four songs, plus we captured Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen doing a Beatles tune at Taylor Books, and we have my animated take on Under The Radar’s version of “Eleanor Rigby.” Our animation is the promo video for Beatles Rockband, which was thing, back in the day.

You can find the original production notes HERE.

From now on the plan is to bring you the episodes of RFC in order, now that we’ve filled in the huge gap we had from a few years back when a big chunk of our online archives disappeared along with everybody else’s MySpace videos. After we finish the full run of video episodes of Radio Free Charleston (In late 2026, I think) I’ll dedicate this space to The RFC MINI SHOW, our spinoff show that featured a single artist each episode. That ought to take us into 2028.