After a month of paying tribute to Edward Hopper by dabbling in realism, this weekend I decided to cut loose with a little abstract expressionism.
What you see above is an acrylic on cheap-ass canvas board study for a possible larger work later. I wanted to evoke the feeling of stormclouds gathering over a suburban area, only without resorting to any photographic reference.
Which is not to suggest that Expressionism is simply laziness, but in this particular case, that did play a small part in it. This one didn’t take any less time than the Hopperesque pieces, though, so it wasn’t quite the shortcut I’d imagined. Also, this one may seem a little fuzzier here than it should because this is not a scan of the painting, but a photo taken with my phone and a five-dollar ring light. The paint was still too wet to put it in the scanner and I didn’t want to smear it with an acetate cover.
I may go back and work on this more. The light colors photographed much lighter than they look to the naked eye, but that made me have second thoughts about the color composition.
If you want to see this painting larger, just click on it.
Meanwhile, Monday at 2 PM on The AIR, we bring you a recent episode of Psychedelic Shack, followed at 3 PM by a recent edition of Herman Linte’s weekly showcase of the Progressive Rock of the past half-century, Prognosis. You can listen to The AIR at the website, or on the embedded radio player at the top of the right-hand column of this blog.
Psychedelic Shack can be heard every Monday at 2 PM, with replays Tuesday at 9 AM, Wednesday at 10 PM, Friday at 1 PM, and Saturday at 9 AM. Classic episodes can be heard Sunday at 9 AM as part of our Sunday Haversham Recording Institute collection.
You can hear Prognosis on The AIR Monday at 3 PM, with replays Tuesday at 7 AM, Wednesday at 8 PM, Thursday at Noon, and Saturday at 10 AM. You can hear two classic episodes of the show Sunday at 2 PM.
Our Monday Marathon, beginning at 8 PM, brings you eleven hours of one of our “on hiatus” Haversham Recording Institute shows, Ska Madness. Dexter Checkers is threatening to return to this show on a semi-regular basis, so we decided to drop a marathon here to encourage him.
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