Rudy Panucci On Pop Culture

More Marx Toys To Gawk At

The PopCulteer
June 24, 2022

We are still forced to present bite-sized photo essays of no more than a dozen photos, so today we are going to revisit the Marx Toy Convention, where we were exactly one week ago, and just show off some of the cool toys we saw.

We had a great time and saw lots of old and new friends, but this batch of photos is focused on the toys, many of which we would have snapped up if we had any room left in the house.

You can expect several more photo essays next week, and if all goes well, a video or two this coming Sunday. We may even have a few more pictures of toys from the convention to share.

The Marx Toy Convention happens the third weekend of June every year at The Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum in Wheeling, West Virginia. This year our trip included the convention, plus a side trip to The Mound Museum in Moundsville and Francis Turner’s Brigadoon-like Marx Toy Museum, also in Moundsville, which only opens one or two nights a year since it ceased daily operation six years ago. We also visited the FiestaWare Outlet Store at the Homer Laughlin plant in Newell, and you will be seeing photos or video from all of those things over the next week.

But today, get your drool cups ready, it’s all about the cool toys…

Dave Roth made these amazing-looking custom wagons for Johnny West, and if our house was three times the size it is now, we would have brought one home with us.

Another of Dave’s cool creations, this one a water wagon.

Terry Ryder’s amazing “bronzed” Johnny West and friends sculptures.

Mark Hegeman had this incredible Marx Moon Base playset for a very decent price, in great condition, but again, where would I put it?

Mark’s Moon Base set was so big it takes up two photos. The condition of the base and the playmat was remarkable.

More of James Wozniak’s long display of pure plastic joy. We showed you a bit of this in an earlier photo essay.

I don’t collect The Tigers fighting men, but if I did…

More plastic Nirvana (with a little tin) from James.

Random cool toys were everywhere you looked.

And playset collectors had plenty to contemplate.

We leave you with a Remco toy, hidden amongst the Marx stuff. The idea of a five-foot tall collapsing building playset had me mesmerized until I remembered that “five-foot tall” was not compatible with “Don’t buy anything huge.”

That is this week’s PopCulteer. Check back every day for fresh content and loads of or regular features. The photos and video from our trip will resume Sunday, if all goes according to plan.

1 Comment

  1. Jon raider


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