The PopCult Toybox

mensch-product-shot_transparent-300x300Mensch on a Bench was created by a Jewish father who wanted to teach his sons about the Jewish holiday while adding new traditions to the family. First came the story of Moshe the Mensch who helped Judah Maccabee at the temple. Moshe played dreidel, loved gelt, and was a true Mensch. Next came the doll which could hold the Shamash candle and watch over the Menorah.

This very popular Jewish take on The Elf on a Shelf has been seen on Shark Tank and is expanding this year with new characters and products. PopCult talks to its creator, Neal Hoffmann, to learn more about how he came up with this fun idea.

You can learn more about Mensch on a Bench and how you can get in on the fun at their website.

