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Okay….so a combination of computer problems and bad weather have conspired to cause us to miss posting The PopCulteer for the first time since we started the weekly feature lastApril.  How do we make it up to you? How about brightening up your snowy imprisonment with some classic episodes of Radio Free Charleston that have been offline for a couple of years?

This batch of three newly-archived shows includes performances by Lady D, Blue Million, Captain Crash and the Beauty Queen from Mars, The Spurgie Hankins Band, Three Bodies and Strawfyssh. You’ll also get to see The Android Family, animation by Frank Panucci, Rudy Panucci and Martians, vintage car commercials and weird video starring RFC’s Resident Diva Melanie Larch and Charleston Mayor Danny Jones.

Above you see episode 37. After the jump you can see episodes 38 and 39 of Radio Free Charleston, from Spring 2008. Click the episode number for the original production notes and check back for more classic RFC later this weekend.

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