The PopCulteer
December 10, 2021

Okay, I gotta be honest with you. I try to have fresh content for you every day here in PopCult, but sometimes that means preparing it in advance. See, your humble blogger spent the entire month of November working on The 2021 PopCult Gift Guide.  It was close to 40,000 words this year. Then I had tons of work backlogged that I had to get caught up on.

And then this week, Mrs. PopCulteer, Mel Larch, celebrated her birthday, and while we were too nervous about the pandemic to go to our beloved Chicago (for the second year in a row, dammit), we did manage to work in a safer trip that was closer to home but still loads of fun.

In order to pull this off, I had to write several posts for PopCult in advance, including this one. The problem is, I’m all written out at the moment, so it’s time to just pull out random images that I’ve acquired in different places on the web over the last few weeks, and I’ll just write goofy captions for them.

I promised fresh content every day. I didn’t promise that they’d all be winners.

This may throw you off a bit, but I’m writing this last Monday night at around 9:30 PM, while Bianca Belair is wrestling Doudrop on Monday Night RAW.

And to illustrate the pure randomosity of our selection today, that image up there next to the date is either Willard Scott or Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Now onto the show…

I’m writing this on December 6, 2021. This photo is my lovely wife, singing “Ave Maria” for the very first Radio Free Charleston Christmas show, and it was recorded on the fire escape outside LiveMix Studio on December 6, 2006…fifteen years ago.

The feature image for this post (seen  above the headline for this post at the real version of PopCult) is an airplane taking off, as seen from the stands in the bandshell at Coonskin Park during an IWA East Coast event in the summer of 2009. At that same show, Oderus Urungus from GWAR made his professional wrestling debut.

Who knew Al Hirschfield was a big Beatles fan? This is his take on the Anthology reunion sessions.

Speaking of The Beatles, here’s a look at the short-lived mural they had painted on The Apple Boutique in London.

A couple of weeks ago I ran Tex Avery’s “Jerky Turkey” as a Sunday Evening Video. Here’s a model sheet for the cartoon.

I hate it when you have to call in the cat electrician.

Back in the day, drunk babies were seen as a viable alternative to crying babies.

Okay, Christmas is coming up. You all can get me this stuff. Wait…I already got most of this stuff. Make a donation to Manna Meal instead.

With that, we wrap up this half-assed PopCulteer. Check back for fresh (or maybe frozen) content every day. I’m actually due back today, so tomorrow’s post will be hot out of the oven.