This is the first post of the new year, and with it, we’re tweaking PopCult somewhat. There are no major changes –It’s still me, Rudy Panucci, writing the words you read here, but it’s a good time to shake things up. You will still be able to come here for the latest news from the fringes of the Pop Culture world–comic books, animation, toys, cult movies, weird TV, etc. And I’ll still be posting the production notes for Radio Free Charleston. However, I’m going to modify a few of our regular features, and introduce some new ones, so that you, the reader, can expect more cool stuff on a routine basis.
First off, Monday Morning Art will be back next week. You can check in every Monday to see what pathetic little scribble I consider worthy of an audience. You can even click on over to the Monday Morning Art Store to make fun of the overpriced shirts and trinkets bearing that week’s image.
The “Cool Toy Of The Week” is mutating into the “Cool Thing Of The Week.” I was running out of cool toys, but in 2007, every Wednesday night (or Thursday morning) you can check in and see what the “Cool Thing” is. It might still be a toy, or a board game, or a video game, or a lamp, movie, TV show, or food item. All I can promise is that it’ll something that I think is cool.
Every weekend, I’m going to start sharing a “Cool Video Of The Week.” This will be embedded right here in the blog, for you to click and enjoy.
Also every weekend, I’ll be posting a “Cool Comic Of The Week.” I’ve been immersed in comic books my entire life, but I hardly seem to write about them here in PopCult. This year I plan to change that, and talk about some of the more obscure comic books (or web comics or comic strips) that I think deserve more exposure.
“Animated Discussions” will return whenever I can corral my writing partner, Melanie Larch, into sitting down and working on it with me. We’ll have a piece on the continuing animation glut coming in the next couple of weeks. We promise to try and do more movie reviews this year, but last year it seemed like there was an animated feature coming out every other day, so it was a good time to cut back. We’re going to shoot for twice a month with “AD,” but we might take a break in May, when Mel is performing in “Carmen.” We’re still trying to work out how to balance her being in the opera with the opening week of “Shrek 3.”
“Radio Free Charleston” will still be a big part of PopCult, as we continue our little internet video show into 2007, hopefully still turning out at least two episodes per month. You can read all the detailed production notes and see trailers here in PopCult. And you can visit the RFC and PopCult stores, if you wish. You still have time to be the first customer!
That’s the first PopCult post of 2007. Hope you all had a good New Year’s Day, and that it continues for the remainder of the year, and beyond!
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