Radio Free Charleston 120, “Zombie Babies Shirt” is online now, and posted right above this text. This show is designed to promote Friday’s benefit show for Dave Russell at The Empty Glass.

We feature music from The ButtonFlies, Sierra Ferrell and The Diablo Blues Band, all of whom will be performing Friday. We also have a trailer for “Porkchop,” the Eamon Hardiman-directed movie on which Dave worked as cinematographer.  As an added bonus we have a look at the soundcheck version of “Get Loose” by Beaver Knievel.  Next week we’ll have the full-blown song, plus an additional Beaver Knievel tune.

We kick off the show with an extended trailer for the movie, “Porkchop” which Dave had a blast working on.  Thanks to Eamon Hardiman and Razor Sharp Productions for letting us show you this example of Dave’s work.

The ButtonFlies have been on RFC a million times, and we will be happy to have them back a million more.  Their performance this time was shot in special Beer Goggle-O-Vision™.

Sierra Ferrell will be on the bill Friday night as a part of 600 lbs of Sin. We’ve had her on the show before with James Vernon Brown, and for this performance of her song, “Wet Your Whistle,” she’s joined again by James and by Jake Ong, of Charleston United.

You’ll also see Sierra in the “Porkchop” trailer. (seen right)

The Diablo Blues Band is represented on this show by a remastered version of their theme song, “Diablo Blues.”  We ran this song on RFC 99, but this version has been reprocessed for widescreen, and I’ve also tweaked the audio a bit.  I also confused myself and announced the wrong song in the intro segment in this show.

Dave passed away a couple of weeks ago. I wrote about it here in PopCult. He was a true positive force for the creative arts here in town, and he will be greatly missed.  His sudden passing caught his family off guard, and the show Friday is to raise money to help them out.

The music will kick off at 5:30 PM, and run all night long.  Seven dollars gets you in the door. The line up of bands includes Dugan Carter, Spurgie Hankins Band, Duo Divertido, Qiet, The Buttonflies, 600 lbs. of Sin, The Scrap Iron Pickers with special guest drummer Chris Russell, and Diablo Blues Band. These bands are donating their time to play and ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE DOOR WILL BENEFIT THE DAVID RUSSELL MEMORIAL FUND.

If you are so inclined, you can send additional donations to…

David Russell Memorial Fund
c/o Peoples Bank
2107 Pike St.
Parkersburg, WV 26101

Over the end credits we bring you a quick blast of Beaver Knievel.  This is a soundcheck version of one of the two songs that we’ll bring you by the band next week. We’ll also have music from Dennis Hopper’s Army and other surprises.  But that’s next week’s show.  This week is all about Dave.