That’s Radio Free Charleston 149, “Shredd’s Pizzeria Shirt,” at the top of this post, and it’s an early Christmas present, loaded with special gifts for our fans. We are proud to present a World Premiere music video by Sasha Colette, “Rock of Ages,” plus we have a music video by Jordan Andrew Jefferson, the RFC debut of a new band, Trielement, and we flashback to a special Christmas tune performed by RFC’s resident Diva, Melanie Larch and The Diablo Blues Band. We also have two trailers for special projects and we meet Hasbro!
First up, after quick visit from Mr. Potato Head, we have a music video directed by the Apartment 2B crew, Toby Moore, Molly Tilly and David Smith. Huntington’s Jordan Andrew Jefferson seranades us with “Coconuts For You (Yes You).” We hope to bring you more from Jordan and also more from Apartment 2B in 2012.
I’ve known legendary WV filmmaker Danny Boyd for an embarrassingly long time, and he’s been part of the RFC family since episode Ten. Danny’s new project is a graphic novel, and in this episode, complete with music by Chuck Biel, is the trailer for “Carbon.” You can find out how you can help this project come to fruition in last week’s PopCulteer.
Trielement is a new progressive supergroup. Kenny Booth from HarraH and Dave Roberts from The Nanker Phelge have teamed up with bassist Joey Lafferty to form a new instrumental power trio. We caught their first performance with this line up, and with additional camera by Ally Green, we bring you “Soular Flare” by Trielement
“Porkchops” is the latest motion picture epic from Eamon Hardiman, the first ever sequel to a West Virginia made movie, Porkchops is now available on DVD and Blue Ray, and you can see the trailer in this edition of RFC. Check out the PopCult Gift Guide to see how you can get your hands on a copy, and read last week’s PopCulteer for info on how you can help finance the third movie in the “Porkchop” trilogy.
Our big surprise this week is a world premiere music video by Sasha Collette. Sasha will be performing at The Boulevard Tavern on December 16. That’s a Toys For Tots benefit. And on New Year’s Eve, Sasha and the Magnolias are headlining at The Empty Glass.
We are proud to bring you the world premiere of “Rock of Ages” directed by Leah Connelly Felton, with puppet work by Patrick Felton. This is one of the coolest surprises that we could spring on you.
Our plans to offer some new holiday music in this episode sort of fell through, but we didn’t want to let the Yule go by unnoticed, so we tossed in a heaping helping of X Mas Interstitials handmade by Frank Panucci, and on the way out, under the end credits, we jump back a couple of years and bring you, once again, RFC’s resident Diva, Melanie Larch backed by The Diablo Blues Band with “Please Come Home For Christmas.”
That’s the inside scoop on this episode, which was hosted from the top of Charleston’s Municipal Parking Building #1 (in very bright sunlight, which is why I’m so squinty). It’s also our last show of 2011. We will return early next year with a special 150th episode retrospective of indeterminate length. After that, we’ve got a huge backlog of stuff to burn through, so RFC may just go weekly for a couple of months. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the entire RFC crew.
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