The PopCulteer
September 22, 2023
We crash into Friday with a new PopCulteer loaded with coolness, so let’s just dive right the heck in.
What We Do In A Magazine
What you see at the top right of this post is the newest issue of Non Sport Update Magazine. Longtime readers of this blog may remember that I’ve been writing for NSU longer than I’ve been writing PopCult.
This latest issue will be hitting newsstands all across the country over the next week or so, and not only is it a Halloween-themed issue, but yours truly wrote the cover feature that you’ll find inside.
Even cooler is that it’s about a new trading card set from Cryptozoic Entertainment based on one of my favorite TV Shows, What We Do In The Shadows. So not only did I score the cover, but it’s about a really, really funny show that I happen to love.
So seek it out and read up on the trading card debut of Lazlo, Nadja, Nandor, Colin Robinson and Guillermo and you’ll be ready to testify before The Vampiric Council. It was a blast to write about WWDITS, even though the SAG strike not only kept me from interviewing any of the cast, it made it a little weird to get info about the set. It’s still a fun article and writing it made me want to buy the cards, so imagine what reading it will do to you!
Lending Some Art
Also of note on the Rudy front, I am proud to have provided the artwork for David Synn’s new single, “Running Backwards.” It’s a killer tune, just released this week, and it features backing vocals from De’Ana May-Parsons and guitars, production and more by Jamie Skeen.
It’s a great song that sure sounds like prog to me, and you can buy it now at Bandcamp. I’m also going to play in next week’s jam-packed new episode of Radio Free Charleston, on The AIR. The art is modified from an installment of Monday Morning Art from a few months ago.
Even More Cool New Music
We’re going to preview a couple of other new tunes that you can hear next week on RFC. First up we have a really cool animated video by Hello June for “Sometimes,” the third single from their upcoming new album, Artifacts.
The video premiered at Under The Radar magazine just a couple of days ago and we’re happy to share it here…
Just released yesterday, and currently slated to open next Tuesday’s episode of RFC, is a new song by Kenny Booth (HARRAH, TriElement, Membrane Cell, Disarm The Fallen). “Big Brain” is a terrific piece of music with Kenny playing all instruments and singing, and it’s unlike anything he’s ever done before. Probably not safe for work, so be discreet if you’re blasting it. This song is so cool that I’m sharing it here, even though the video is just his (very cool) single cover…
Doing That Disco All Over
Finally this week we are going to re-present last week’s new episode of MIRRORBALL on The AIR .
Last week we had the culmination of some major technical issues at The AIR that disrupted the stream and didn’t get worked out until we were about three-fourths of the way through this show. Now that the internet gremlins have been located and exterminated with extreme prejudice, you’ll get a second chance to hear this gem of a show.
Friday at 2 PM on The AIR, Mel Larch devotes a full hour to extended mixes of classics of the Disco era. The AIR is PopCult‘s sister radio station. You can hear these shows on The AIR website, or just click on the embedded player found elsewhere on this page.
One of the most creative things to come out of the Disco-era club scene was the extended 12″ Disco Mix of songs, so that the folks enjoying the joyful noise could stay on the dance floor just a little longer, and the DJ’s could have more time between spinning the records.
This week we are going to bring you Disco Mixes of Disco Classics. It’s Disco squared on a full hour that goes twelve inches to heaven on this epic and eminently danceble music specialty program. Mel will likely revisit this topic soon.
Check out the playlist…
D-Train “You’re The One For Me”
The Crusaders featuring Randy Crawford “Street Life”
Gloria Gaynor “I Will Survive”
Real Thing “Can You Feel The Force”
Shalamar “Uptown Festival Medley”
Anita Ward “Ring My Bell”
Chic “Everybody Dance”
You can hear MIRRORBALL every Friday at 2 PM, with replays throughout the following week Monday at 9 AM and Tuesday at 1 PM and a mini-marathon Saturday nights at 9 PM.
Next week the plan is to have new episodes of all of our music specialty programs all week long, and we’ll have details here on every one of them. That is our PopCulteer this week. Check back every day for fresh content and the occasional air fryer tip.
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